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Question: We see here demigods are receiving mercy of Prema and human beings are also receiving by Krsna consciousness movement. What about demons – did Prahlad Maharaj, Bali Maharaj also participate in Lord Gauranga’s pastimes?

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Jayapataka Swami: There is a book called Gaura Ganodesha Dipika. That tells who was who in the Caitanya pastimes. So like, Murari Gupta was Hanuman and I think Prahlad also participated. But you have to see the Gaura Ganodesha Dipika book. The Jaya and Vijay appeared in Caitanya lila and they were who, they were delivered by the Lord. But why do you ask about Prahlad? He was no demon, he was son of a demon. Gaura Ganodesha Dipika says that Prahlad Maharaj was Haridas Thakur. But we also heard that Haridas Thakur was Lord Brahma – he was known as Brahma Haridas. So I don’t know, he is both. Some people are two in one. The Gaura Ganodesha Dipika says that Prahlad Maharaj was Haridas Thakur.