Sankalpa Form

Sankalpa Form

"Please help me serve Srila Prabhupada" - His Holiness Jayapataka Swami

Sankalpa is dedicated to the 125th Appearance Anniversary of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Are you a disciple (or aspiring disciple) of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami?
Sankalpa - I want to commit to do the following to help His Holiness Jayapataka Swami

Sankalpa - Your Goals

Specify for the next 12 months the number of extra rounds you want to chant
Specify for the next 12 months the number of books you want to distribute
Specify an amount for the next 12 months you want to donate to TOVP
Specify an amount you want to donate for Food For Life or the number of plates you want to distribute
Specify a date by which you want to complete the Bhakti-Sadacara course
Specify a date by which you want to complete the Bhakti-Sastri course
Specify a date by which you want to complete the Bhakti-Vaibhava course
Specify a clear goal for the next 12 months how you want to support the Congregational Ministry
Specify a clear goal for the next 12 months how you want to support the Nama-hatta Preaching
Specify a clear goal for the next 12 months how you want to support the Bhakti-Vriksha Preaching
Specify a clear goal for the next 12 months how many videos you want to create
Specify a clear goal for the next 12 months how many topics you want to research
