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Question: Now for Gayatri initiation it is compulsory to do the Bhakti Sastri course. But what will be the plight of illiterate devotees?
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Jayapataka Swami: How much have you studied? One doctor said he is not educated. So how did he become a doctor? He said, ‘I am not educated in spiritual matters!’ We have some special arrangement for those who are illiterate but for those who have read up to the 8th grade, they should take the Bhakti Sastri. I will try to arrange a system that they can take it.
- Who is Tulasī Devī?
- The worship of Tulasī Devī
- Why Do We Worship Tulasī Devī?
- Benefits of worshiping Tulasī Devī
- The Process of Worshiping Śrīmati Tulasī Devī
- Transcendental Anatomy of Tulasī Devī
- Wearing Tulasi - Skanda Puraṇa
- Eight Names of Tulasi Devi
- Tulasi - Sri Vrindadevy-ashtaka
- Tulasi Glorification - Hari-bhakti-vilasa
- Tulasi Glorification - Nectar of Devotion
- Tulasi Glorification - Patalakanda - Padma Purana
- Tulasi Glorification - Sri Caitanya Caritamrta
- Tulasi Glorification - Sri Garga Samhita
- Tulasi Glorification - Sri Naradiya Purana
- Tulasi Glorification - Srimad Bhagavatam
- Tulasi Glorification - Sristikanda - Padma Purana
- Tulasi - Devi Bhagavatam
- Tulasi Stava
- Śrīla Prabhupāda on Tulasī Devī | Part 1
- Śrīla Prabhupāda on Tulasī Devī | Part 2
- Śrīla Prabhupāda on Tulasī Devī | Part 3
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- Question: After taking initiation from you, whom can we consider as our śikṣā-guru? Can we consider a devotee from whom we are getting regular guidance and training as our śikṣā-guru?
- Question: How to manage bhakti and family relationships at the same time, when they are not devotees?
- Question: How do we do sevā in the right consciousness, not in the mode of passion or ignorance?
- Question: How to be fixed in spiritual level of devotion within this material world and how to develop spiritual greed?
- Question: How can I impress Śrī Śrī Gaura Nitāi and how can I be one of Their favorite servants?
- Question: Generally, there is a thought among devotees that kids who are devotees by birth never take Kṛṣṇa consciousness so seriously. What should we do as parents to make our kids as genuine devotees?
- Question: Can you please let me know what are the services I can do every day that will please you?
- Question: How to remove bad habits in the self, being in society and how to increase our spiritual consciousness, ever increasing till the end?
- Question: How to deal with older devotees who are moody and ultimately cause fear in new people or community instead of motivation to serve?
- Question: How did you feel connected to Śrīla Prabhupāda after his departure? How did you understand what would please Śrīla Prabhupāda in a particular situation? Which aspects of devotional service pleases you the most?
- Question: How can I progress in devotional life? Please kindly explain.
- Question: How can we always remain fixed with the same frame of mind in practicing Kṛṣṇa consciousness till the end of our life?
- Question: Externally we can see you are undergoing so many challenges and unstoppable. Is it because of your love for Śrīla Prabhupāda? Why cannot we develop such qualities to serve guru even 0.001 per cent?
- Question: I am doing bhakti in all possible ways but still my anarthas are not going. Please advise me.
- Question: How to overcome the enjoyment mentality?
- Question: How to remain enthusiastic despite challenges we face in serving Kṛṣṇa?
- Question: How to stop loose talk with other devotees because it harms our spiritual consciousness?
- Question: I have very deep rooted desire to enjoy so it hurdles my spiritual desire. How to get desire to serve?
- Question: How can we select the right guru?
- Question: How do we get enough intelligence so that we can protect ourselves from bewilderment of māyā because māyā is more intelligent than us?
- Question: I am struggling with anarthas. How to do anartha-nivṛitti?
- Question: How to develop taste for reading Śrīla Prabhupāda’s books daily?
- Question: How could I develop unalloyed love for Kṛṣṇa as any near material allurement distracting my mind toward it and I am unable to focus my mind on chanting and services, etc.?
- Question: How to check one’s connection with guru and Kṛṣṇa at every moment. Could you please enlighten me in this context?
- Question: How to perceive aparādhās in our devotional service performed as abhideya? How do we atone or correct those?
- Question: Generally, it is considered that if a husband is always thinking about his wife, his children, it is not very Kṛṣṇa conscious. But if a devotee husband is thinking about his devotee wife, is that considered a deviation?
- Question: I heard pastimes where Śrīla Prabhupāda told you to go on chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa. Then you asked if you could chant Nārāyaṇa-kavaca because of some problems. I was facing a lot of obstacles in devotional service, serious health issues, not able to sleep peacefully in the night for many years, etc. And it is affecting my quality of chanting in the morning also. So should we chant Narasiṁha-kavaca and pray to Lord Narasiṁhadeva also? Is it a lower form of faith in Kṛṣṇa? Should we just go on chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa and everything will be alright? What do you suggest Guru Mahārāja?
- Question: How to understand sambanda, abhideya and prayojana with proper discrimination. Please enlighten me.
- Question: How to be Kṛṣṇa conscious? We need devotee association but in due course of time we take devotee association for granted? How to maintain proper vision for devotees?
- Question: Does Kṛṣṇa’s omniscience mean that He knows our future choices? If so, how is that compatible with our free will?
- Question: How should we deal with favoritism in the material world. If it affects our spiritual life too then it happens among devotees. Guru Mahārāja how to see this?
- Question: How do we reciprocate with devotees who prefer to have a bhajanānandī lifestyle within ISKCON?
- Question: How can we become more appreciative in our day to day life since as human beings our natural inclination is towards criticism and seeing the defects around us disfavoring us in the cultivation of good qualities?
- Question: How to overcome fear and what is the sign of full surrender to the lotus feet?
- Question: I had a question on my mind for a long time now and especially in the time of the pandemic. So when I hear at the crucial times of some devotee’s health situations it sometimes looks as if he or she may make some decisions that seems more in the direction of leaving their bodies rather than live. How to understand or see this in a Kṛṣṇa conscious way?
- Question: How to feel that we are always connected to your lotus feet and you are always with us?
- Question: How do we know if we are talking prajalpa because sometimes with devotees we need to talk something not Kṛṣṇa related or some management issues. But how to identify if we are doing prajalpa?
- Question: I have too many negative thoughts about Vaiṣṇavas and in spiritual life I don’t seem like making any progress. I feel like I will go crazy if this is how it continues. What should I do?
- Question: Could you please explain what is the most effective way to make people realize that we need to take Kṛṣṇa consciousness seriously right away. Many people understand the concepts but do not develop the faith. P.S. This is with regard to Bhakti-vṛkṣa. We are a study group discussing Bhagavad-gītā for the last two years but even now there are many doubts in people. I feel responsible for not being a good example for them.
- Question: Is there a time to become completely free from māyā and go to Godhead. How to realize this?
- Question: After spending some years in devotional service sometimes it happens that past sinful life comes and troubles us in practicing the process. It may be from previous births as well. How should we deal with such a situation Mahārāja?
- Question: Gross body is changing continuously from boyhood to youth to old age, but we are the same being with same spiritual identity. And also, we remember some past memories because we are the living spark which does not change, Guru Mahārāja, please help me understand is there any role of the DNA in maintaining our identity and any role of our mind, intelligence, in remembering past memories?
- Question: How can young gṛhastha couples practice Kṛṣṇa consciousness in a way that they can serve and assist you in Śrīla Prabhupāda’s mission and perfect themselves in one lifetime?
- Question: I am stuck in reading the Caitanya-caritāmṛta. I have read Caitanya-caritāmṛta before and heard many stories that are wonderful. But now since few years I cannot read beyond first few books because I don’t understand the philosophy. Should I go on or conclude that I don’t have that level and stick to Bhagavad-gītā and Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this opportunity to ask my question.
- Question: : What to do when we cannot reach you for some important decision making and guidance? At the same time whatever guidance; we receive from the seniors are not satisfactory and not solving the issues?
- Question: I had some fixed time for study of scriptures. Now I am reading the Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Antya-līlā, which will end in a few months. Thus, I hope it will be one round of all Śrīla Prabhupāda books. All your books, all the volumes of Śrīla Prabhupāda Līlāmṛta, Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, Bhagavad-gītā, Caitanya-caritāmṛta. Until publication of your Caitanya Book, what will be the best for me to read daily?
- Question: How do we know that you are pleased with us and we are progressing in our Kṛṣṇa consciousness?
- Question: How do we develop favorable relationships with devotees?
- Question: How to be free from laziness in Kṛṣṇa consciousness?
- Question: How to prioritize and manage our time between, our own sādhana, material duties and giving time every day to Bhakti-vṛkṣa members?
- Question: How can we make Kṛṣṇa consciousness accessible to all including those with learning difficulties and special educational needs?
- Question: I am studying in college and want to join ISKCON being inspired by devotees and Śrīla Prabhupāda books. The ISKCON Youth Forum authorities have instructed me to complete my studies and then join. I am doing this. While studying I come across many prajalpa in the studies when the teachers in the class are teaching the studies. Under these circumstances how should I deal with this prajalpa?
- Question: Could you share some pastimes, your personal pastimes with Śrīla Prabhupāda which specially inspired you to dedicate your life in his service?
- Question: How can we use our professional position in the material world to help expand bhakti vrksa in the western world? As a councilor, in London, how can I assist to expand?
- Question: As you mentioned a little association can make the change. If one does not have much devotee association but he is reading Śrīla Prabhupāda’s books regularly and listening to your classes will they be successful? Please enlighten me dear spiritual father.
- Question: How do we understand the difference between good and great devotee?
- Question: As you said in today’s class if we associate with more pure devotees, we can overcome our offenses, but how do we avoid offences from non-devotees who rarely believe in Kṛṣṇa or chanting, although we are sometimes bound to be in touch with them? If you could please suggest what should we do here?
- Question: The great souls like Vidura and Haridāsa Ṭhākura were associates of the Lord and they were themselves great devotees of the Lord, so it was very easy for Them to have the people to have these facilities, but fallen souls like us what to speak of giving association to them, we ourselves get affected by material association and we go down, so what to do in this kind of situation?
- Question: You were reminding us that around the world they are saying that there is some crisis going on. So, we as devotees, we are also reminded to live simply and think high. So, I was curious that how is that different from what say the karmīs they are doing, like doing some remedies to help themselves against this crisis. What is the difference?
- Question: As you said that everyone should chant the name of God no matter what religion he belongs. Anyone who is a sincere follower of Jesus Christ follows the principles of Bible, will he enter the Kingdom of God as Jesus Christ has said? This Kingdom of God which Lord Jesus Christ talks about, is it the same as our Vaikuṇṭha or something else?
- Question: Guru Mahārāja in the last class we were told that if we speak the truth we should speak palatably. Today’s class we hear that Dhṛtarāṣṭra was spoken to very harshly by Vidura. To whom and how should we behave and tell the truth, because in order to preach Kṛṣṇa consciousness, Vidura can speak harshly to Dhṛtarāṣṭra, but in what situation we should speak harsh words and to whom should we not? Please guide us.
- Question: Kṛṣṇa consciousness is the topmost yoga system. In order to very scientifically present Kṛṣṇa consciousness to the scientific world can we be engaged in any kind of service in this subject matter?
- Question: As we can see that when Vidurajī was insulted by Duryodhana then Vidurajī converted this adverse situation into an opportunity to visit holy places, to associate with saintly people. Guru Mahārāja, how we can also use such adversities in our life too because when such problems or adversities come, we become morose and disturbed and these adversities only become unfavorable in absorption in our spiritual activities.
- Question: As you explained that ¼th of the cosmic manifestation is material and ¾th is spiritual world. Guru Mahārāja can a time come when all the people will go to the spiritual world and all the people will be liberated, and no one will be there in the material world?
- Question: Bhakti-śāstrī course is only for initiated devotees alone? Can uninitiated devotees also take this course?
- Question: Please Guru Mahārāja, tell us what we should do to take initiation?
- Question: If the conditioned souls are called nitya-baddha, eternally conditioned, how to understand our original eternal position, if they are eternally conditioned?
- Question: Is Maheśa dhāma a part of the spiritual world or material world?
- Question: You said that truth has to be conveyed in a palatable manner. But I fear that if I convey the harsh truth to a very near and dear one that could result in straining the relationship. Please guide me what to do.
- Question: Śrīla Prabhupāda gave second initiation to a disciple. And then the disciple asked Śrīla Prabhupāda have I become a brāhmaṇa now? Śrīla Prabhupāda said I have given you the opportunity to achieve all the twelve qualities of a brāhmaṇa. If I cannot even acquire 1 quality of the 12 can I become a brāhmaṇa?
- Question: As you mentioned that only 12% of your disciples are second initiated. What qualifications other than Bhakti-śāstrī you want us to develop to take brāhmaṇa initiation?
- Question: When we offer bhoga to the Lord, what should be our mentality be? What should we pray?
- Bhakti Advaita Navadvīpa Swami: All the devotees draw Govardhana, as we heard you did not like, so we did not do but all the other temples did. Kindly guide us Guru Mahārāj.
- Question: How if one takes prasāda with non-vegetarian food, is this acceptable or sinful?
- Question: How can we understand the mood and mentality of the spiritual master. We see in the case of Śrīla Prabhupāda in 1977 when he felt a little better, he wanted to go on Govardhana parikramā, and many of his disciples they did not want him to go, out of love for Śrīla Prabhupāda that he would not be able to bear the situation. And also we see in the case of Gaura Kiśora dāsa Bābājī he wanted his body to be dragged through the streets of Navadvīpa after his departure, but Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura did not want it. So how do we understand the mood and mentality of the spiritual master?
- Bhakti Vijaya Bhāgavata Mahārāja: I have one question. How to observe Bhīṣma Pañcaka? If you could guide us.
- Question: We have twins aged ten months and I am not able to chant and do my services to the Deities properly any longer. Sometime back I had a dream in which Lord Jagannātha came and said 'you don’t need us any more, you have a son and daughter.' what should I do? Please guide me.
- Question: How should a Vaiṣṇava behave when facing imminent threat to one’s safety?
- Question: As you said that in this material world, at every step there is danger, and we should give this hope that it would be a nice place. But Guru Mahārāja, if the whole world becomes a devotee of Kṛṣṇa just like Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu predicted that in every town and village My name will be chanted, then still this material world would act in its own way, and remain a dangerous place? Or will it become better?
- Question: Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu is Kṛṣṇa with the mood of Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī then how could He feel the rasa of emotion which happened during Kaṁsa-vadha?
- Question: In the śāstra it says that the ideal disciple is one who does not talk about his material aspects to the guru. Then will the disciple not be able to ask the guru questions to get solution for any of his problems?
- Question: Due to the preaching effort of devotees many people are taking to Kṛṣṇa consciousness amongst them are many young children who are engaged in studies. They spend a lot of money studying and get financial help from their families and parents. Now these people, when they come to Kṛṣṇa consciousness if we allure them or enthuse them with financial help, do you think this would be a good proposal? What is your opinion in this matter?
- Question: How can we navigate the dangers of this material world? Should we only be proactive in devotion and leave the rest to Gaurāṅga?
- Question: You have explained how the residents of Dvārakā and the residents of Navadvīpa were so eager to see and receive Lord Kṛṣṇa and Lord Caitanya. In this Kali-yuga, the Supreme Lord is manifesting as the worshipable Deity to accept our services. How should we develop our love and reciprocate with the Lord in His Deity form?
- Question: What is the perfect stage and time to read Caitanya-caritāmṛta?
- Question: When we heard that Lord Rāmacandra got coronated as the king, we don’t hear or read anywhere about Kṛṣṇa or Balarāma getting coronated as a king. Can you kindly clarify Guru Mahārāja?
- Question: Are the pastimes of Gaura-maṇḍala and Vraja-maṇḍala equivalent?
- Question: How Lord Caitanya’s movement will go forward for the next ten thousand years?
- Question: How could we please you guru maharaj?
- Question: How one initiated devotee can connect to spiritual master in the physical absence of the spiritual master?
- Question: How one initiated disciple is constantly attached to his spiritual master and how he is devoted for preaching in his spiritual life?
- Question: Can you please tell about your first visit to Assam, like how you constructed the Rukmini Krsna temple and how you made the preaching possible in Assam and your experience?
- Question: You said that everybody who lives or wants to live in Navadvīpa-dhāma, they should have one set of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam in their homes. So if somebody has a set of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, does that mean that the glories of the holy dhama are being established in that home?
- Question: Sometimes in life there are so many such unsolvable problems, which so much disturb us and without the Lord’s mercy, we cannot get rid of them. So in that case if we take shelter of the holy name and pray to help us, is that also offensive?
- Question: You have mentioned in the class that one should chant the holy names, even with offences, because it is better than not chanting the holy names at all. My question is that sometimes when we are speaking to senior Vaisnavas, sometimes unknowingly or even without us wanting, sometimes we break the etiquette. So in that case do we come under offences?
- Question: Today you spoke about how you want all your disciples to go home back to Godhead and that you want them to chant without offences. And my question is that, if a husband and wife, if both of them are initiated disciples, and if the husband beats the wife or give her some psychological harassment, or inflict atrocities on her psychologically or physically sometimes beat her sometimes to such an extent that she has to be hospitalized, in such cases, is the husband performing Vaisnava aparadha? Or not and how does it affect the guru?
- Question: How can we develop separation mood towards Lord Kṛṣṇa like the Pāṇḍavas?
- Question: Guru maharaj, we are blessed with a son six months ago and my question is how should we raise him that he becomes Krsna conscious?
- Question: How to avoid vaisnava aparadh, how to respect all vaisnavas equally?
- Question: How can I increase the taste for chanting the holy names?
- Question: How can I encourage the Muslims and Christians to chant the holy names? For example, my office staff?
- Question: Guru Maharaj You spoke about the glories of chanting wonderfully. My question is when we go on street Harinamas we have both men and women dancing to the holy names in the Western countries. Newcomers who are men also tend to catch our hands and dance, as they do not know about our culture. Being a woman, either married or unmarried, on Harināma, does this affect our chastity and purity?
- Question: Can you please share the roles and responsibilities of a upadesaka, siksa guru? How do you expect us to help you?
- Question: How should a devotee of Lord Caitanya associate with a vaisnava from other sampradayas?
- Question: Even if we don’t have position we still can have pride about the services we do very well, thinking that we do better than others. How should we protect ourselves from this pride?
- Question: If I know that somebody is dying in front of me and I am aware that this person is not interested in Kṛṣṇa, God, but he is dying in front of me and because I know he has no interest in Kṛṣṇa, he will have to take birth again in this material world, what should be my duty at that time towards this devotee?
- Question: Bhīṣmadeva had departed during uttarāyaṇa, he was waiting for uttarāyaṇa and departed. In that case why do we follow Bhīṣma Pancaka during dakṣiṇāyana?
- Question: How to understand vaisnava physical suffering and how to take it? We heard and read how Srila Prabhupada suffered during his Jaladuta trip and in the initial times in the USA and we see you are undergoing so many sufferings.
- Question: Guru Mahārāja can you elaborate about the importance of accepting responsibility in our movement?
- Question: I am a student and I daily read Śrīla Prabhupāda’s books with my peers. We are reading the same chapter of Bhīṣmadeva leaving his body. Sometimes it is difficult to understand how is Bhīṣmadeva able to maintain his full Kṛṣṇa conscious mind in spite of having so much pain in his body as he was lying on a bed of arrows. Why such an exalted Vaiṣṇava has to suffer so much pain in his life?
- Question: Guru Mahārāja you said that Gopakumar when he was going to the spiritual world, he was about to enter into the impersonal brahmā jyoti and at that time he shouted the name of Govinda and in this way he was transferred to a Vaikuṇṭha planet. Now when he was in Vaikuṇṭha planet he was thinking of himself as a cowherd boy and because of this he came back to the earth planet again and he performed his devotional service and in this way he went back to Goloka. So my question is that how is it that once Gopakumar a worshiper of the impersonal brahman, he was taken to the brahman effulgence? And the other question is that we heard that once one goes to Vaikuṇṭha, he never returns, but how is it that Gopakumar returned from the Vaikuṇṭha planet to the earth planet?
- Question: If we desire some minimal facilities for performing niṣkāma bhakti would it be an obstruction or would it be helpful for my progress in devotional service?
- Question: I have heard in Srila Prabhupada’s lecture that if a devotee could not be able to remember Krsna at the time of death, Krsna can deliver that devotee. But in case of Jada Bharata, he took birth as a deer and undergone three lifetimes to reach Krsna. How can I understand maharaj about this?
- Question: How can we constantly think of improving our services?
- Question: How to get out of maya in this world when practicing Krsna consciousness because everybody surrounding are not following?
- Question: How to control the anartas?
- Question: How can I improve my chanting as a lot of times I come into anxiety for material things and my quality of chanting drops down instead of going up?
- Question: How to continue chanting 16 rounds when one has to spend too much time in office. Have been facing this problem for the past two months.
- Question: Can you please explain the land of Audarya?
- Question: How to do book distribution and inspire people where they are not interested in taking books?
- Question: How can we get taste in japa?
- Question: How to overcome obstacles in devotional life if it keeps on coming and we get stuck and cannot move forward?
- Question: How to get Jagannath’s mercy?
- Question: You had said that when someone leaves the body, if someone is given and sprinkled Gaṅgā water and dry Tulasī twig is placed on his body, and he is cremated in such a way with Harināma and circumambulates his body seven times, that person gets to go back to Goloka Vṛndāvana. How should we accept this? Does that mean that person does not need to remember Kṛṣṇa at the time of death?
- Question: Bhīṣmadeva was a great devotee of Kṛṣṇa and a mahājana, so why was he silent during Draupadī’s vastra hārāñā took place, and took the side of the irreligious Duryodhana in the religious war?
- Question: How to be completely subservient to guru’s instructions in spite of day to day obstacles and be 100% inspired.
- Question: How to apply Srila Prabhupada’s teachings so as to please Krsna exclusively?
- Question: How to protect our bhakti lata?
- Question: How do I know that my prayers are listened to by Krsna?
- Question: Can you call Lord’s name in short form out of love? Will He reciprocate? Will it grant us moksa at the end when we call Him as we die? Even if we didn’t address Him by His full name? For example, some devotees call Kanhaiya, to Krsna and to Jagannath, they call Jagga.
- Question: How to convince new people to have faith in the sastras?
- Question: As youth, how can we practically keep this inspiration to chant and complete a certain number of rounds on a daily basis?
- Question: As young devotees, we are often exposed to many non-devotees in our school and working environments. How can we introduce or explain Kṛṣṇa consciousness to our non-devotee colleagues?
- Question: Discrimination on various grounds such as racial discrimination, religious discrimination, etc. is a virus in itself that many people are still fighting. How did Caitanya Mahāprabhu break down the social barriers when distributing love of Godhead freely to one and all?
- Question: Besides chanting the holy names and reading about the glories of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu, what are the other methods we can use to take shelter of Him?
- Question: From a young age Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu performed many pastimes with His mother Śacī Mata and father Jagannātha Miśra. As young people, what can we learn from this with regard to keeping a close relationship with our parents
- Question: Could you please tell us how to overcome the attitude of eating prasāda to gratify our senses and to develop the proper mood to honor the prasāda?
- Question: Can I take the vow of renunciation sannyāsa? I wrote you about it in a letter. Thank you for the ocean of mercy from your lotus feet.
- Question: Do we find Acyuta sāka anywhere now?
- Question: Could you please explain the difference between Ramanujacarya’s visista advaita philosophy and Lord Caitanya’s acintya beda abeda tattva. Both the philosophies say that the Lord and the jiva are same in quality but different in quantity. What is the difference between the two?
- Question: How to have a constant sadhana?
- Question: How to overcome vaisnava aparadh?
- Question: Why are we not keeping Haridāsa Ṭhākura in our altar, as he is a Nāmācārya, not everyone, got this name from Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu.
- Question: If even after following all the instructions prescribed for conceiving Kṛṣṇa consciousness child and even after that the child is not Kṛṣṇa conscious and disrespects, in that case is it not a complete waste and in such a case should it not be better that one not enter the gṛhastha life?
- Question: When someone tries to put us down, they want to put us down again and again, if such a person is a devotee, then what should be our attitude?
- Question: How could it be that Advaita Ācārya can have three children who are smārta-brāhmaṇas? Advaita Ācārya being a great associate of Lord Caitanya. We have heard that even by remembering Śrī Advaita Ācārya we can get kṛṣṇa-prema. He was present with them 24 hours, how they did not get kṛṣṇa-prema?
- Question: I am very attracted to Panca Tattva and Radha Madhava, but I live in Kolkata now and here Radha Govinda are present and I am not so attracted. Though sometimes I think the Lord is one and the same, then why this is happening to me? What is the solution for this?
- Question: How to love Krsna?
- Question: Could you please tell me how one can know if he or she is under the protection of the Holy Name? When Kala sarpa dosha or ketu dosha has been active in their birth chart.
- Question: Due to preaching activities it is difficult to hear from senior vaisnavas, association of senior vaisnavas becomes tough sometimes. My humble question is that, for that situation, what should we do? Kindly advise.
- Question: Can girls live without marriage?
- Question: Can one keep deities without prana prastista? If yes, then what should be the standard of service?
- Question: I don’t eat lettuce or basil leaves during the first month of Caturmasya. But can you eat fresh basil leaves and lettuce during the first month of Caturmasya. I don’t want to do anything that is not required. Please ask guru maharaj and reply asap. Caturmasya starts here on Tuesday. Thank you so very much.
- Question: Can non-initiated kids or youth wear one round kanti mala. What is the standard of number of strands and significance of the number in wearing Tulasi kanti mala?
- Question: Can we give the Lord Jagannath some offerings and request to do the needful?
- Question: Gurudev, can we pray to Lord Jagannath to find a devotee boy for my daughter?
- Question: After so many years of practicing bhakti I don’t get a taste of bhakti. Please give some light on this.
- Question: How to develop vaisnava quality within the heart?
- Question: Are there any special instructions for those who have aspired from you and how can I develop more faith in my spiritual master as the initiated devotees have?
- Question: Being a householder and a single mother, it sometimes becomes difficult for me to do my duties to the Lord. Sometimes I have to feed or serve my child first in many circumstances. What should I do? Will I fall from bhakti because of all this?
- Question: How will I accept gurudev’s instructions and service given by the authority as my life and soul and carry it out?
- Question: I am doing my rounds and hearing lectures but not spending much time in developing relationship with my counselors. How important is it to develop relationship with vaisnavas?
- Question: Śrīvāsa Ṭhākura, why did he say that he will tie a pot around his neck and jump into the Ganges when Lord Caitanya, Lord Kṛṣṇa is with him?
- Question: How to cultivate my children to practice devotional service and chant the holy names in an easy way?
- Question: I am not the body, I am the soul, how do I remember this all the time?
- Question: How to follow Amanina mana dena?
- Question: How to get rid of negative energy? If we are suffering from that being a devotee and following brahminical culture, and still such things around us act effectively.
- Question: Can you tell us your experience at the San Francisco Ratha Yatra in 1968?
- Question: How can I please Lord Nityānanda Prabhu so that He will give me the bhakti same like the associate of Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu?
- Question: Here we can understand wherever Mahāprabhu says about worshiping Lord Nityānanda, can it be applied to our spiritual master, as he is Śrī Nityānanda prabhu’s personal manifestation for us? Thank you.
- Question: Can we ladies, do Giriraj dandavat parikrama?
- Question: Can Buddhism study be considered as a preliminary study on the way to liberation?
- Question: Does Lord Buddha have His own planet? When one attains perfection in Buddhism where do we go?
- Question: How can we have authentic humility like Haridas Thakur, not pseudo humility, like when we are being praised?
- Question: How do I develop a taste for reading Srimad Bhagavatam?
- Question: For many days now we are hearing about the very merciful Lord Nityananda prabhu with regard to Jagai and Madhai. That Nitai prabhu is manifest as Nitai Pada Kamala in our Bhajan Kutir. How did Nitai Pada Kamal Doyal Thakur come to Mayapur? Since when are They are here? Kindly tell us something about that.
- Question: How to always remember Krsna in our daily life?
- Question: How can I please you and Srila Prabhupada, both?
- Question: I did not break Ekadasi fast on time. What should I do now?
- Question: Have got a pair of Gaura Nitai, can guru maharaj give permission to worship Them?
- Question: Do grihasta devotees try to earn more money and serve Srila Prabhupada’s mission in a greater or more intense way? Or they should focus on the paths of devotional services.
- Question: How much time should be allocated to read and understand the scriptures?
- Question: Guru maharaj, how to increase taste in Harinam?
- Question: How can we make spiritual brothers come closer and closer?
- Question: How can we fulfill the senior devotees take care of the junior devotees and make you happy?
- Question: How can you get spiritual brothers get more together?
- Question: Gadādhara Paṇḍita has the mood of Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī. In which situation is he exhibiting that?
- Question: How can we have the same love and devotion that Gadādhara Paṇḍita had for Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu?
- Question: By hearing this pastime we get greatest benedictions. But if one commits any offense later on, will the benedictions work on that person?
- Question: How much should we aspire for personal reciprocation from the Lord?
- Question: From this Puṇḍarīka Vidyānidhi līlā, we have to learn that even a little enviousness towards any Vaiṣṇava is very dangerous. I find it very difficult to overcome enviousness. Please help.
- Question: Here Puṇḍarīka Vidyānidhi understood his mistake when Lord Jagannātha and Lord Balarāma enacted Their punishment pastime. But I commit many offences, and sometimes I cannot even understand my offences. So in such circumstances how am I to ask for forgiveness from you and from Lord Kṛṣṇa so that you may completely forgive me?
- Question: How this fault-finding mentality affects our devotional service?
- Question: Can you explain why Puṇḍarīka Vidyānidhi found fault in the devotees? What does this pastime want to teach us?
- Question: Here we see that Svarūpa Dāmodara and Puṇḍarīka Vidyānidhi are very good friends. How to develop such loving and trustworthy friendship in today’s world?
- Question: How to overcome obstacles in preaching?
- Question: For Oḍana-ṣaṣṭhī the unwashed cloth is used but otherwise the cloth is always washed. However, when we get dresses for our Deities, we never wash them because they will get ruined.
- Question: At the time of initiation we take vow of chanting minimum 16 rounds. But due to different circumstances I sometimes just somehow or other finish the 16 rounds. is it really pleasing to you? Because Hare Krsna Mahamantra is not different from Krsna Himself. Should we every time be very attentive, whenever we chant, no matter how busy we may be? I often remember my initiation vows and think how you will be pleased.
- Question: After Caitanya taking sannyasa, how His family was maintained? Mother Saci, Visnupriya, etc.?
- Question: Can you please elaborate on what you said: simply remembering his transcendental qualities, the conditioned soul gets purified. Practically how to apply that in our day to day services?
- Question: How can I approach the spiritual master when the spiritual master is far and it is difficult to have association with his disciples? What can I do to serve the guru in this situation?
- Question: Guru Mahārāja, yesterday you said that Gadādhara Paṇḍita lost his taste after he gave the mantra to somebody - how to understand this?
- Question: A new devotee asked how if she sometimes wanted to eat meat. After she joined Krsna consciousness she knows that eating meat is not good. What to do?
- Question: How to keep doing the service to guru in spite of not satisfactory results in course of services, especially preaching?
- Question: A new devotee, she feels suffering when with family members, what to do?
- Question: How do we get the mercy of guru and Krsna? How do we get the shelter of the Lord? How do we become sinless?
- Question: Can we offer rakhi to Lord Balarama and then offer that offered to our devotee brothers?
- Question: I am a nurse. My work often needs to go to work in the evening, my daily schedule is not regular, chanting cannot be done in the morning, worship deity not on time too. I feel very disturbed for my spiritual practice. I feel my mind unstable, what should I do?
- Question: I cannot remember the reference where I heard or read a devotee asked Srila Prabhupada on Ekadasi, can we offer grains to the deity? Srila Prabhupada said, “Yes, but not guru. Ekadasi is observed by jiva tattva and not Visnu tattva. Caitanya Mahaprabhu should also not be offered grains because He is playing the part of devotee. Only Jagannath, Baladeva and Subadra can be offered grains. But not to guru and Gauranga. Please can you enlighten us on this. But we know Lord Caitanya is Radha and Krsna Himself. So even if He is playing the part of devotee, why no grains offered to Him? I am confused.
- Question: A devotee thinks that doing some other seva is more important than chanting, so he lags behind in chanting.
- Question: How do we preach to educated people, beautiful people and the youths? It is difficult to preach to them because sometimes they have lot of pride in their hearts and they don’t accept. So how do we preach to them?
- Question: I know one devotee and he chants Four lakh names a a day. What does Guru Maharaj think about this?
- Question: How do we know what aparadh we have caused unknowingly or unintentionally in whose feet, how do we realize it?Even if it was not our fault or a misconception, what do we do? How do we get rid of it? What is the compensation? How do we correct ourselves?
- Question: How can we develop concentration while chanting for beginners because initially it takes a lot of time to concentrate on chanting.
- Question: Can we roll on the ground in kirtan in ISKCON?
- Question: Chanting means we are praying to the Lord to engage us in His service. But isn’t chanting itself a service to guru and Krsna? Will more and more chanting lead to ragamayi bhakti. Does more and more chanting constitute ragamayi bhakti?
- Question: How can one take shelter of Ganga mata to improve one’s devotion to Lord Krsna?
- Question: Dear gurudev, what pleases Srila Prabhupada the most?
- Question: Do mayawadi guru go to hell or Brahman?
- Question: How can we observe the Vyasa puja of Lord Nityananda here in Mayapur?
- Question: How can I always stay steady in Srila Prabhupada’s service?
- Question: How do we know what aparadh we have caused unknowingly or unintentionally in whose feet, how do we realize it? Even if it was not our fault and just a misconception or a misunderstanding? What do we do?
- Question: Bhāgavata-vidhi and Pāñcarātrikī-vidhi – in which category does Harināma initiation fall into?
- Question: What are the qualities a woman should have to be a good wife?
- Question: Can sannyāsīs not cook for the Lord?
- Question: How much does it affect our consciousness when we eat food cooked by non-devotees.?
- Question: What qualities do we need to develop in our devotional life to have this kind of affection that Kuntī devī had for Lord Kṛṣṇa in her family life?
- Question: A few days back you spoke how one should not leave the prasadam and not give one’s remnants to others. Many times children leave the prasadam and mothers have to finish that. How does the karma work in this case?
- Question: Criticism is inevitable in the course of our services. How do we understand what to pay attention to and what to reject?
- Question: Doing Mangala Arati is important or doing chanting during that time is important? If I start doing Mangala Arati, dressing, and offering arati takes at least 40 minutes. And after, I am not able to finish chanting in the morning itself, so I am confused, which one to be given importance? So please guide.
- Question: I have heard that one is not supposed to get the Giriraj shila on her own and the shila would be given by some Brajawasi. If a devotee has strong attachment to Giriraj and has desire to worship Giriraj Shila what is the qualification and how to get the Shila?
- Question: As one puts in many years of devotional service, fear of Maya reduces. How should one be cautious and progress?
- Question: How to deal with devotees who are professional liars?
- Question: How can I increase my loving service attitude towards you?
- Question: How can we have a proper attitude like Vāsudeva Datta?
- Question: I have become very disturbed in provoking or negative situation. How to remain undisturbed and to be firm in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, in spite of these? Please help.
- Question: During the online Bhagavad-gītā class a question was raised about Śrī Paramātmā entering and exiting the body. When does He enter the heart of a living entity and when does He quit? Are there any scriptural references available?
- Question: How can we develop so much attachment to the holy name as Murāri Gupta has? Is it possible to achieve in this very life or is it a result of many years of devotional service?
- Question: Define Kṛṣṇa consciousness in one word.
- Question: How can I make Srimati Radharani happy?
- Question: How can we serve you and what are the responsibilities of shelter disciples and how do we execute them? ?
- Question: How do we sustain our enthusiasm in preaching?
- Question: How if I plan something big for Prabhupada’s mission, how will I know that my thoughts are going in the right direction?
- Question: Can you please say how to keep ourselves inspired to wake up early and attend mangala arati?
- Question: Between hearing class on line and hearing class in the temple, which one is better?
- Question: How can we inspire new people who took Bhagavatam sets to read them as they say it is overwhelming? Can you share about your reading of the Bhagavatam?
- Question: How can I understand what influences my current situation in Krsna consciousness, advancement or effect? Is it due to sukriti or karma or fate? Can you please explain with an example.
- Question: I am a student mixing in school with all types of children. How can I keep my Krsna consciousness with all?
- Question: I am a youth with association of my age, we like to go to movies and eat outside, but want to take Krsna consciousness seriously, how to do it?
- Question: Chapter 11 of Bhagavad-gita, sloka 55. I am after this sloka for the past six months and trying to gain the depth of the meaning but still am confused. I wish that you kindly elaborate the meaning of this sloka which is specially told by Lord Krsna for the grihasta ashrama.
- Question: As youths we, a lot of times, get sucked into materialistic studies, so we usually keep devotional reading as secondary. So how do we balance devotional reading and college life?
- Question: How can I manage my schooling, education and material friends and activities to better focus on my spiritual life?
- Question: How can people who are here, there are people from different levels who achieved a lot in life, good families, how can they work to serve you? How can they work through you to serve Srila Prabhupada’s mission? What can they do for Mayapur?
- Question: 49 years of sannyas, you have created Mayapur in a huge, huge, way. You are known to be one of the most intelligent persons ever met by many of us here. Whether it is spirituality where you are a giant, information technology, you know well ahead of time. Whether it is architecture or whether it is languages, in everything you seem to have scored almost 99 or 100 or more than 100 also! I want to ask you this. Sitting in Mayapur, sitting in Krsna’s dhama, sitting in the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Srila Prabhupada, is that the only thing that has made you this? In every field, how do you manage it? There was no internet then, there were no books available, you didn’t have the time because you were working 24/7, 365 days, all the time. Where did you acquire this window to acquire so much spiritual plus vast material knowledge? You are a spiritual giant. You are law of knowledge. I know where I am, I know where you are. My base is minus yours is infinity. But more than this you know architecture, you know material, IT, you know geography, you know routing of airlines, you know finance, you know budgeting, in everything, when you talk to us, I get the feeling that 24/7 you are working in some multinational company. How do you manage to do this, sitting in Mayapur? That is the question. You are multi-tasking. You are working with people who are not from the same background. You are working with some who have not finished school, some of them are PhDs who have seen the spark of life and invested their lives at your feet to grow. But you are the same person but in the same background you are a giant in everything. How do you do this? Where do you get the time? Where does it come from?
- Question: At the end of our life should we live in the holy dhama and practice our sadhana or live wherever we are and practice our sadhana?
- Question: How can we manage spiritual and material life simultaneously?
- Question: Devotees sometimes remain stuck to ex authority, and are not fully enthusiastic to cooperate with local authorities. What to do?
- Question: As a student in the middle school, how can my daughter continue her study in the school and at the same time in Krsna consciousness? How should she perform her service of studying in the school?
- Question: How can a devotee verify whether his love for Guru and Krsna is genuine or on the sentimental platform?
- Question: How can I make my family members favorable toward bhakti yoga? Their only concern is, how much money you can make! They are laughing at me and think I have a brain problem! They ask me if bhakti yoga can solve my financial problem? I don’t know how to explain to them so that they can support my practicing bhakti yoga?
- Question: How to keep the same, high enthusiasm to serve Guru Maharaj in separation, just as he is physically present and how to overcome laziness and the mood of enjoyment in the service, when alone?
- Question: How will one be delivered from the level of the false ego and bodily identification?
- Question: During the worship of the Deity in the temple what should be our mood? Can we express our personal problems to the Deities?
- Question: We serve, worship Rādhā Śyāmasundara, Rādhā Kṛṣṇa, Rādhā Gopīnātha. Does the Lord accept all these worship as Lakṣmī Nārāyaṇa or as Rādhā Śyāmasundara, Rādhā Gopīnātha?
- Question: What should be the mood as a woman with regard to following the spiritual master’s order on the spiritual path?
- Question: Guru Mahārāja, you said that for seeing Kṛṣṇa we need to anoint our eyes with love of Kṛṣṇa. But a neophyte in the primary stage may not be able to have love for Kṛṣṇa awakened in their heart. What should he do to come to the stage that he can see the Lord?
- Question: How do we observe Radhastami and what should our prayer be to Radharani?
- Question: How and in what way we can increase the love for the chanting of the holy name when we try to chant our japas? How can we feel that love you feel for Lord Krsna and Radharani, for Gaura Nitai and Their associates and for our dear and beloved grandfather, Srila Prabhupada?
- Question: Can I get your permission to live in Mayapur? I have worked in Security Department. Can I do the same service again?
- Question: How do we develop a sweet, natural, but respectful relationship with devotees?
- Question: How do we keep away from dhama aparadha and remember the glories of the dhama?
- Question: How can we become so determined and tolerant in bhakti like you?
- Question: How can we enhance our sense of mission of preaching the message of Caitanya Mahaprabhu?
- Question: From one mataji, she has two children, one studying in 6th and another in 12th standard. They were practicing Krsna consciousness in their early childhood. And they also tried to cultivate their father who was not so Krsna conscious. But the mother and children preached to father and their father became favorable. But then the children they dropped their interest in Krsna consciousness after father became interested. So then they started saying there is no God, there is no bhakti. Now mother is initiated devotee and father is also practicing. But the children are not taking up Krsna consciousness. So why does this happen? And what is the remedy, how to make the children Krsna conscious? If Guru Maharaj can give blessings to them?
- Question: Few days before you mentioned that we should not think bad about devotees, but if we see devotees doing wrong like going opposite to Srila Prabhupada’s teachings or spreading some ideas, not in line with our philosophy, then what to do in that case? If we are not their authority, how to deal with it? As in the mind it is not very positive thoughts that come about them.
- Question: Bhakti Vijaya Bhāgavata Mahārāja: Nice class with Śrīvāsa and Mahāprabhu. Then Gopāla Bhārṅ, pastime also very good. In Mahāprabhu’s time it was very easy to get initiated. Mahāprabhu begged Īśvara Purī and Īśvara Purī initiated him. But nowadays our initiation program is very strong and so many processes we go through, courses, viva, so many. The verse said compassion to other poor men. So how does it get balanced? If we allow in ISKCON a little easier for initiation, maybe a bit easy to preach? It is so difficult nowadays to preach.
- Question: Can the captain of our ship be our mentor or guide or only the dīkṣā-guru? Need clarification.
- Question: What should be the mood to serve deities and how to achieve that mood?
- Question: Bhakti Vijaya Bhāgavata Swami: What mood should a disciple have particularly on Vyāsa-pūjā day?
- Question: How can one become guru conscious like you are to Śrīla Prabhupāda?
- Question: Every personality we see in Bhagavatam and all demigods are there with Lord Gauranga and dancing for kirtan and Lord Caitanya is delivering everyone. Is there a possibility that a whole universe shines in Prema and liberated to Goloka prematurely, before Brahma’s lifetime?
- Question: Can we offer lamps on behalf of our known devotees, relatives and friends?
- Question: Few days back you mentioned in your lecture that devotees should not blaspheme other devotees or even they should not find fault in others. But a madhyama adhikari also judges others and according to his understanding, he avoids envious persons and makes good relationship with devotees, show compassion to the conditioned souls. If a kanista adhikari and madhyama adhikari is judging others, then what makes the difference between kanista and madhyama adhikari.
- Question: He asked why Gaudiya matt’s panjika, calendar and our calendar sometimes different?
- Question: Even though we are chanting, dancing and offering to Krsna, there is more and more vaisnava aparadha these days. Is this just a symptom of kali yuga or are we missing a bigger lesson?
- Question: I am very much eager to hear from your divine grace, the proper understanding of Srimad Bhagavatam 1.7.7. “ Yasyam vai sruyamanayam, krsne parama puruse, bhaktir upadyate pumsah, soka moha bhaypaha. Translation: Simply by giving aural reception to this Vedic literature, the feeling for loving devotional service to Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, sprouts up at once to extinguish the fire of lamentation, illusion and fearfulness.” What should be the attitude of a devotee to earn that bhakti which can remove lamentation, illusion and fear?
- Question: How does one deal with devotees who are easily offended?
- Question: I am engaged in Kṛṣṇa consciousness through the gṛhastha āśrama. How will I properly and gradually become detached from family at the right time and take vanaprasta or go to some ISKCON temple and completely surrender my life for Kṛṣṇa?
- Question: How can I in devotional service, avoid being envious to other Vaiṣṇavas? Please advise.
- Question: How to focus mind on chanting, there are too many distractions?
- Question: How to pacify a new Bhakti-vṛkṣa member if he considers Lord Śiva to be supreme, however wants to learn Bhagavad-gītā?
- Question: During Damodara month some devotees locally offer a candle and some offer LED candle, some offer a ghee lamp. Is it ok to adjust according to time, place and circumstance, to offer a LED lamp versus offering a ghee lamp
- Question: How can we change our vision of the devotees and their place of birth? Is it ever acceptable to designate a devotee as “ Bengali bhakta” “Videshi bhakta”.
- Question: Advaita says to Nityananda that he ate from the house of people from the west. Is he predicting or blessing the preaching in the west?
- Question: Even when I desire not to do mental offences, it still pops up in my mind. So how to get rid of this?
- Question: How can a person motivate his son, non- devotee wife to devotional service and chanting?
- Question: How may I serve you for your satisfaction?
- Question: How to know whether a situation that we are facing is Krsna’s plan, or due to misuse of our minute independence given to us by Krsna?
- Question: During this pandemic we preached online. But there is no way we could engage them in some service. Can you help us in some way to do that?
- Question: How can I distribute Śrīla Prabhupāda’s books to a hospital doctor or nurse or clerk?
- Question: How was it that Sārvabhauma Bhaṭṭācārya attracted to the mercy of Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu? Was it Gopīnātha Ācārya’s desire?
- Question: Here we see that Lord Caitanya was forced to eat opulent prasādam. Is it okay to serve even if a person doesn’t want to eat, even breaking his order or will?
- Question: I have heard from a devotee that until we get kṛṣṇa-prema we have to come back to this material world. Or until we take birth in a dhāma, we will be back to this material world. But I have heard earlier that if we leave our body in dhāma we don’t come back to this material world. Please kindly enlighten gurudeva.
- Question: What should I do? I am always getting failure in reading books. I just start and read for few days and break comes. How can I overcome this problem? But I read Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam every day.
- Question: I am unable to become absorbed and serious in various devotional practices. I chant, try to read daily, but everything seems to be at a superficial material level. It is frustrating at times, there is an intense desire to only serve you and other times mind is plaguing me with material thoughts. How to become steady, serious, mature and take up chanting and spreading as our life and soul? I want to preach and help others but if I am not at that level how can I inspire others?
- Question: I read the scriptures Śrīla Prabhupāda books, am fond of reading his books, but I also read my textbooks. Sometimes I get so immersed in Śrīla Prabhupāda’s books that I lose taste for reading my text books. But I know that I require both. How can I maintain a balance between the two? Please advise.
- Question: What is the right mood to study Śrīla Prabhupāda books? I am very fond of reading Śrīla Prabhupāda books, so I am very happy by reading Śrīla Prabhupāda’s books.
- Question: Bahulastami is considered to be the appearance of Radha Kunda. And thousands of devotees take a dip on this day. But those devotees were not able to be there on that day, how can they get the benefit of taking a holy dip?
- Question: Even though Madhai was harming Nitai, still he got His mercy. How do we get Lord Nitai’s mercy?
- Question: During initiation, new spiritual name is given. Does the name have any important message to the disciple.
- Question: During Kartik, on Ekadasi day, can we distribute non-ekadasi prasadam to non-devotees?
- Question: How to attract youth to Krsna consciousness and preach to them? Methods of preaching?
- Question: How a person chooses guru? How is connection made with guru? Is there any connection from past life?
- Question: How to maintain consistency in devotional life?
- Question: How to get Lord Nityananda’s mercy in our life?
- Question: How do we make a newcomer understand about Lord Caitanya?
- Question: How to subdue the demoniac tendencies in us?
- Question: When a devotee accepts initiation, just like when a person is born materially and he or she is a baby and gradually grows. What is the situation of the person when he is spiritually initiated, what is the situation like in terms of material growth, is he a baby in spiritual life or is he an adult in spiritual life?
- Question: How can I know who is my spiritual master?
- Question: How to be always Gauranga conscious? How to deal with maya’s allurements?
- Question: I am distracted so much by my impressions which makes me distracted in chanting. How can I dive deep into the ocean of the holy names?
- Question: How can I increase my faith in the holy name more and more?
- Question: How to develop determination? Sometimes I take vows like in Damodara month or Ekadasi, but I am not able to follow it completely.
- Question: How can we understand that our intentions are pure while participating in devotional service?
- Question: How to do best devotional service in Krsna consciousness – in preaching, nagar sankirtan and house programs?
- Question: I have a problem with my chanting Guru Maharaj. The problem is I cannot utter the holy name clearly and I am getting throat pain, so that I am not able to complete my 16 rounds, I could only do 4 rounds from 5.30 am to 7 am. Please give me any solution.
- Question: How to get aasakti on Srila Prabhupada’s book reading?
- Question: How to control our mind during chanting time and also during day time?
- Question: Damodara arati in the morning time if we do it, is it ok? Or is there any difference in result if you do in the morning instead of evening?
- Question: As Damodara month is approaching from authorities’ side we are encouraged to go out and hold public programs but many of the times we don’t get permission to do so by the local authorities there, the society people or whoever. So can you give us some tips, how do we approach them and how do we get them to do some Damodara month outreach programs?
- Question: How to control envious nature of other devotees?
- Question: How to get free from material attachments?
- Question: How to get good association from devotees inside and outside the temple?
- Question: Currently, GBC devotees hosting department, I am hosting all the GBC delegates who are coming here. I heard in sastras that athithi, someone who comes as a guest without prior intimation, we should host them very nicely in such a way that they get pleased. But currently even after intimating in advance what time they are coming, we are unable to meet their expectations. So in ancient days how did they please all the guests? And how can I carry that mood in my life and please all the vaisnavas?
- Question: How a person who has believed in the Lord, but impersonal form, like his father is 61 years old, how can he become a devotee?
- Question: Can we use Tulasi twigs to make lamp to offer to Lord Damodara
- Question: I heard Srila Prabhupada telling that it is a good mistake for a young person to eat a lot. But when we eat more, we need to spend more time on our body maintenance like sleeping. Also, on another side Rupa Goswami says, vaco vegam manaso krodha vegam, jihva vegam udaropasta vegam. So how do we reconcile these two ideas?
- Question: I heard that Srila Prabhupada has made a home in which the whole world can be accommodated. I also heard that people need to add Krsna to their life and can live their life. But allowing do or doing so, they may create a legacy, they may follow their own lifestyle and culture and also will chant Hare Krsna. So that may create a legacy in ISKCON or our culture, that this also can be done. So what is your opinion on that?
- Question: How to try and establish our teenage children in Krsna consciousness even when their rounds are not regular?
- Question: How should we worship mother Ganga and Lord Siva to please them?
- Question: How to control the mind while chanting?
- Question: Could you please explain Bhagavad Gita 18.61. Translation: The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone’s heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities, who are seated as on a machine, made of the material energy.
- Question: Beyond the TOVP, what are future projects needed in Mayapur? How can we help you develop Mayapur in the future?
- Question: How much does astrology chart come true for an initiated devotee?
- Question: I have this question about when we want to do preaching, the question is when is the time to start thinking big? As soon as we start chanting 16 rounds is that the expectation that we start thinking big or when is the right time? How to think big? How to implement those ideas which are in your mind and expand them so that it has a bigger impact?
- Question: I have a question from my step mother. Jamie, you call her Yamuna. Her question, She said she read in the Bhagavad-gita, I should endeavor without expectation of any results. And so she has devoted her life to helping people in different ways in her professional life and spiritual life. But sometimes she feels lonely. So how to give up this loneliness, how can she continue when the work feels lonely? She doesn’t want to feel sorry for herself or to feel alone. So she wants to give all efforts to guard and not feel any loneliness. How can she do that?
- Question: Every time we hear, we are not this body, we are the eternal soul. But when it comes to the family life, especially the child and mother relationship, even though we try to bring them up as a devotee, still that attachment is very hard to come out of it. So how can we practice?
- Question: A week or two ago you were mentioning in your class that ISKCON has various holy places, the birthplaces of the Panca Tattva. But you said that Gadadhara’s either has still not been located or we don’t have it. Can you explain a little bit about that?
- Question: How can I maintain consistency in my sādhana and not get setback in change from circumstances?
- Question: How can we develop a good relationship with devotees?
- Question: If someone gets some opportunity to preaching but she has very little knowledge of scriptures and preaching, what should be her duty?
- Question: How to avoid laziness and be active in Kṛṣṇa consciousness?
- Question: Bhakti Vijaya Bhāgavata Swami: Kṛṣṇa saved Pāṇḍavas from brahmāstra, why did Kṛṣṇa not save their five children?
- Question: Do the Vedas talk about any sankirtan yagna or bhakti-yoga and if they do not, why Vedas are written in such a way that they do not even mention about this blissful process?
- Question: I am reading the Bhagavatam, second volume and it talks about, second canto, and it talks about ahankaras Will that be considered the same as karma? Because it is the knot of material and spiritual together?
- Question: Could you speak a little about the second verse of the Guruvastakam? Especially manaso rasena.
- Question: How to explain the difference between Krsna and Visnu to a karmi? We as devotees know there are 64 qualities and there some qualities that only Krsna has. But how do you explain that to the non-devotee?
- Question: How to increase the reading practice?
- Question: I have a question about Krsna consciousness and other religions in the world. In Islam and Christianity, they talk about going to the spiritual world but at the same time they are eating meat. Will they go to the spiritual world or not?
- Question: How do we keep up the strong determination in Krsna consciousness in favorable and unfavorable situation, especially the family members who are not in Krsna consciousness?
- Question: How to deal with the world where there is so much prejudice, so much fighting going on. It seems that there is so much animosity going on?
- Question: According to the Caitanya Caritamrita, I have always heard that Lord Caitanya was the Supreme Lord but He was in the guise of a devotee. Is there any evidence that He Himself knew He was Krsna?
- Question: Can you say something about your current health?
- Question: How do we get spiritual master’s blessings to understand sastras or scriptures?
- Question: Can we do Damodara arati after Kartik?
- Question: How do we encourage children to chant?
- Question: If in devotional service we are faced with family problems what should we do?
- Question: At difficult times it happens that we lose certain services or we don’t have certain facilities for devotional service, which we were doing before. How can we show our surrender and dependence on Kṛṣṇa at such situations?
- Question: How Aśvattāmā released a second brahmāstra to kill Parīkṣit Mahārāja, when his first brahmāstra was fouled by Arjuna. As per my understanding from Mahābhārata, Aśvattāmā was only allowed to release brahmāstra only once since he did not know how to retract it after releasing.
- Question: How to get Krsna mercy and guru’s mercy? When we are chanting we have disturbance and so how to get over it and material consciousness and suffering?
- Question: How do we know that an obstacle we face is Kṛṣṇa’s test or a reaction to my own offences?
- Question: Guru Mahārāja if like Arjuna where on one side I have my counsellors, my authorities, other side have my spiritual head, my spiritual master, and another side, students I have my students and others who I preach to, what would I do in a situation like this?
- Question: Even if we know that Kṛṣṇa is our sole protector and biggest well-wisher, why do we not have complete faith in times of extreme difficulties?
- Question: Dear Guru Mahārāja we have heard that Lord Gaurāṅga gave more mercy in South India after His sannyāsa than when He was in Navadvīpa before sannyāsa. But in our temples we worship Lord Gaurāṅga’s form before sannyāsa. What is the reason we worship Lord Gaurāṅga’s form before sannyāsa, though His sannyāsa form is apparently more merciful?
- Question: Did the associates of Lord Caitanya know they were incarnations? Did Haridas Thakuir know he was an incarnation of Brahma? Did Sarvabauma Bhattacarya did he know at some stage that he was an incarnation of Brihaspati?
- Question: How do we continue our devotional service with uninterrupted, unmotivated way when we have some material problems? When everything is going good, it is easy to go on with our service in an uninterrupted and unmotivated way but when we have problems, how do we do that?
- Question: How does one stay sane within Krsna consciousness?
- Question: Can I offer Radharani a watch in Mayapur?
- Question: At the time of death, if we think only of Lord Krsna or His incarnation, then we will either be liberated or get a human birth again, but as a rich or brahmana family where we can execute Krsna consciousness better. What if one thinks of his or her spiritual master only at the time of death?
- Question: Can you enlighten us why do we fast half a day on the day before Lord Varahadeva’s appearance day and not on His appearance day?
- Question: I am very eager to chant every day and go back to Krsna. I really regret that I left Him and came here. Guru maharaj I have this fear that teenage, or the planets or my karma will cause obstacles to my chanting and devotion How do I combat this fear? (Audio break)
- Question: How can we maintain the intense mood of praying? Also please bless me to have a deep intensity in my praying always.
- Question: As per the sastra, what is the best way to help them align to Krsna conscious way of life to attain perfection of the stage of life they are in?
- Question: As a student I have to study my course books. But I am not able to read Śrīla Prabhupāda books. But I read very little every day regularly. What should I do about this?
- Question: I am very eager to read the books, but I cannot concentrate fully. I feel sad.
- Question: How to overcome fear and lamentation?
- Question: What would be our mood during doing Damodar house programs and how to inspire bhakti vrksa members to do more service during this month?
- Question: How to overcome the snare of maya which comes in the form of maan, puja and pratista?
- Question: How to develop the mood of selflessness towards devotees?
- Question: How to increase faith in the chanting of the holy names and Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu?
- Question: I heard that Lord Caitanya He would give Prema Bhakti when somebody touched Him. As soon as somebody touched Him, He would give Prema Bhakti. Now at this time, how Lord Caitanya is giving Prema Bhakti to everyone?
- Question: Are there similar pastimes of Lord Nityananda during his childhood?
- Question: According to the books of Srila Ptabhupada what a practitioner of devotional life should do, what is correct to do and what is not?
- Question: How come Lord Nityananda did not appear as Mahaprabhu’s brother?
- Question: I heard that in Gaura Lila that Subadra Devi descends as Sita Devi, Advaita Acarya’s wife. I was wondering if you could expand on her relationship with Mahaprabhu?
- Question: (Audio break) Why did Lord Caitanya establish the acintya beda abeda tattva?
- Question: H.H. Bhakti Vijaya Bhāgavata Swami: Nityānanda Trayodaśī is coming up. How should we celebrate it? What should be our mood? What should I beg from Nityānanda Prabhu? Please guide us Guru Mahārāj.
- Question: How can I in every sphere of life be completely free to execute devotional service?
- Question: I have a guilt that I am not able to serve your Holiness as I am very lazy in preaching services, so please guide me how can I be more proactive in preaching services and please you?
- Question: Guru Maharaj my question is, it is recommended that by following instructions of spiritual master, we can serve him. Is there any other way of pleasing spiritual master by rendering service when he is not personally present with me or personally given an instruction?
- Question: How can we increase our determination and dedication because even after hearing so many lectures, our taste in bhakti is not increasing?
- Question: I have heard that Srila Prabhupada has said that we should simply hear while we chant, we should not think about anything, but it is very difficult to keep the mind focused only on the sound vibration. So, is it bona-fide to think of our favorite Krishna Deity or picture or even Gaur-Nitai Deity or picture and pray to them while chanting as actual picture it is not always possible to see. Also, is it bona-fide to think about Krishna’s pastimes, qualities, instructions, etc.,while chanting?
- Question: How to avoid depressing thoughts of suicide?
- Question: How to develop love for Krishna? In spite of all the knowledge, we end up doing things mechanically, like we know that we should chant attentively, we know that we should do all the devotional activities out of love for Krishna, but we do things mechanically. So how to develop this attitude so that we would be able to achieve the love for Krishna?
- Question: Even after doing chanting, reading, and being into bhakti for many years, sometimes, it becomes a very doubtful situation whether really Krishna is there or if He is there, he is watching Me, He is bothered about me or not, or whether it is like this Krishna Conscious process is really true to be followed or not? What to do in such a doubtful situation?
- Question: How can I improve myself in engaging myself more in spiritual service? 16 rounds chanting, nirjala fasting on Ekadasi, attending the bhakti vrksa and association with devotees I am doing presently. What more can I do?
- Question: Can we match the sambanda, abhideya and prayojana with sandini, samvit and Hladini?
- Question: I got shelter on Sunday, please let me know what are your instructions Guru Maharaj?
- Question: How do we get that vision to see Krsna in every action, in practicality, in every step of our life, being a grihastha we are involved in so many things?
- Question: How do we understand whether we are progressing in devotional service or not?
- Question: I do this transcription service. Generally, when we do some service and we satisfy the authority – the temple authority or the authority has given us that particular service, if we satisfy them, it is not possible for you to know what service each of us are doing. But when we serve our authority and satisfy them, does it mean that you are automatically satisfied with us Guru Maharaj?
- Question: I am new to Krsna consciousness. My father and I have a distant, toxic relationship, What can I do from where I am, to help him find peace in his life, while still protecting my spiritual development?
- Question: How do I inspire myself to wake up at Brahma muhurta time and chant?
- Question: I have a question about milk products. Many devotees have different opinions about buying regular milk from the store or they are becoming vegans. I want to know what is your position?
- Question: Austerity is needed to grow in our bhakti, can you advise what type of austerities can make one hard hearted?
- Question: How to develop pure love for Krsna?
- Question: How does one conquer fear of a subtle entity that is attacking and also deal with the bodily stress, anxiety caused by them?
- Question: How do I know the Absolute Truth? Krsna says, learn the truth from someone who has seen the truth.
- Question: How can we bring our friends in Maya into Krsna consciousness, without losing their goodwill?
- Question: Can you explain about building a two storey building in Panihati, I did not understand why?
- Question: Can you explain how to understand the three confidential reasons?
- Question: How we can cultivate the servant attitude and get rid of our selfishness?
- Question: I always have a lot of questions which I want to ask you but I don’t know English, so I need someone to translate for me. My question is you mentioned earlier that going to Mayapur is same as going to Vrndavana. If I commit any offence in Vrndavana I will be punished 1000 times, I am really afraid. I never went to Vrndavana. Shall I go to Vrndavana for pilgrimage or not? And I want to know that every time I want to go to Vrndavana, I should get your blessings or not? Or after the first blessing, I don’t need to ask for more permissions or blessings if I want to go to Vrndavana from time to time?
- Question: I have a question about what am I supposed to do? I finished my class 12 standard and I want to go to Indian Army but I am confused and my family wants me to serve and help in Srila Prabhupada’s mission. I am not so strong with my devotional service. Please, please, please, guide me, what should I do?
- Question: How to get rid of familiarity if it arisen in a relationship with seniors?
- Question: How to know the if the service a disciple is doing is pleasing to the guru? Or he/she has to always be trying to expand this service? This is in relation with the teaching of giving the guru milk, instead of water that the guru wants.
- Question: Honestly speaking, I am getting disturbed by lusty desires opposite gender attracts me seriously. I don’t want this. Please give me a medicine and blessings.
- Question: How are you Guru Maharaj today? How was your day? Praying to the deities and Srila Prabhupada for your health, so you can do what you enjoy doing during this period!
- Question: How you and other devotees established the pastime places of Lord Caitanya in Navadvip Mandal parikrama?
- Question: I am always inspired by the disciples of Ramanujacarya. I also want to be dedicated in a similar way to you. But being a grihasta and a woman, sometimes I find it difficult to balance both material and spiritual. In which aspect can I please you? Please guide me.
- Question: Does this mean that Lord Caitanya began the night club culture with the transcendental motivation? (Guru Maharaj: Ha! Ha! )He is also known to have started the first disobedience movement
- Question: How can I put my full attention during rendering any seva?
- Question: Antardvip in the center, all other eight dvipas are touching the border. So which are all the dvipas within our campus?
- Question: How should one pray to all our previous acaryas for mercy and what is the way by which we can develop unflinching faith and love for all our parampara acaryas?
- Question: Considering verse Caitanya Caritamrita Adi Lila 17.29, we set up an arrangement to maintain a constant supply of daily requirements. So we don’t live like this. So who is this for?
- Question: I have two questions, no. 1, what is the difference between sheltering to Guru Maharaj lotus feet and initiation. Only by sheltering to guru, one can go to Goloka Vrndavana? Question no. 2, after initiation, if somebody completes his chanting rounds by digital machine without chanting on beads, is it okay.
- Question: How will I get forgiven of my previous and present anartas, unwanted habits?
- Question: As ISKCON grows 50 years old and more and devotees get old age, should we have separate old age homes? I have heard from other senior godbrothers that you said that senior people should not stay together. They should stay with devotees of other ages to keep their enthusiasm high. Can you please enlighten us?
- Question: How to develop submissive mood, keeping aside false ego while carrying out services under authorities?
- Question: How should a mother deal with a growing son who is in his teenage?
- Question: I am in Mayapur and we hear that some of our god sisters are leaving Iskcon, they are becoming babaji, going to Radha Kunda. Very painful to hear that. So how to understand this? Is this their free will, maya or ? Some devotees tried to stop them, preach to them.
- Question: If we are not able to do a particular service, is it that we are not qualified? Or is it that Krsna is not pleased with our services?
- Question: Guru Maharaj I want to know, you wanted to come to India, to Mayapur, and what training did Srila Prabhupada give you to come here?
- Question: How can I read the scriptures attentively. I cannot remember the scriptures. Please give me the mercy of telling me how to increase my taste for reading scriptures.
- Question: I had a question that during Srila Prabhupada’s time, we observe that within a matter of few hours, many of them had become devotees. But at the present moment we have to give lot of love, care and it takes a long period of time to make devotees. Why is there a difference between then and now?
- Question: Bhakti Nityananda Swami: Mahaprabhu told every town and village, it will be spread, My name. It is Hare Krsna maha mantra or My name. We know philosophically He is Krsna but that is my doubt. My Name or Maha Mantra?
- Question: I could not understand how the Lord’s transcendental ecstasy could be disturbed by the presence of Srivas Thakur’s mother in law who was not a devotee during His kirtana? Why was the kirtan nocturnal and closed in the early days and later on in the Ratha Yatra in Puri, the Lord exhibited ecstacies in kirtana, publicly? Please enlighten us.
- Question: How does it serve and please Caitanya Mahaprabhu for us to hear about and share this intimate pastimes of His ecstacies. 2. In what mood should we try to hear these pastimes so that they have a deep effect on our heart?
- Question: Did Laksmipriya disappear in separation of Lord Caitanya when He went to Gaya? Here it is not mentioned. Whereas in Caitanya Caritamrita it is mentioned. Kindly clarify.
- Question: Do you recommend worship of Radha Krsna deities at home or simply Jagannath and Gaura Nitai deities?
- Question: Does attending mangala arati in person and attending online give one the same benefit?
- Question: How did Balarama become Nitai?
- Question: Could you describe the kirtan of Lord Nityananda?
- Question: Could you please tell us about Lord Nityananda as Adi Guru?
- Gurudev I want to hear from you how Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda met?
- Question: After the Sankaracarya sannyasis turned to Lord Caitanya to follow Him, what was the complete result to this sannyas order?
- Question: I have the desire to cook for Krsna, guru maharaj, I would like to know, what is your favorite fruit?
- Question: Who is more merciful, Mahaprabhu or Radharani?
- Question: How to develop preaching mentality? I have a great desire for book distribution. (Guru maharaj exclaimed: Jai!) but there is my fear and ego which works. Like if someone rejects to take or throw bad words at me, dear guru maharaj, what is the solution for this?
- Question: Could you please tell us more about this Jarasanda vaisnava?
- Question: Few devotees told me that one has to get the permission of the spiritual master to wear Nrsimha kavaca. Is that true? I am humbly asking you permission to wear Nrsimha kavaca.
- Question: For brahmacaris they are staying at the temple, so they are following a particular schedule. What should be the sleeping time, wake up time for grihasta devotees? And if anyone is enabled to follow the routine properly, can they progress in their Krsna consciousness?
- Question: How did Murari Gupta and Caitanya Mahaprabhu meet?
- Question: How do we hanker for attaining the mercy of the Lord with the intensity that Nārada muni had after the Lord disappeared from his vision?
- Question: Can anyone devoted to Lord Rāma go to His abode by chanting only Rāma nāma instead of the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā mantra, in this Kali yuga?
- Question: How can we be in Krsna conscious all the time?
- Question: How important is it to acknowledge and appreciate someone’s service? It seems sometimes authorities neglect to do this, or else do not do because they think maybe will cause prathista?
- Question: Gadadhara Pandit has so strong faith in Mahaprabhu, He is Radharani Herself. I am not Her and have never seen Mahaprabhu. So, I don’t have strong faith in Him. But I have strong faith with Srila Prabhupada. Is the result the same?
- Question: As spirit souls, jivera swarupa hoi nitya Krsna das. We are constitutionally servants of Krsna, and other impurities in our hearts are not actually permanent parts of our identity. How then do these impurities not dissipate in the direct presence of the Lord? There are so many examples, like the ones given here, as well as the laundry man in Mathura, who did not want to give royal clothes to Krsna and Balarama and even in Mahaprabhu’s time also, there were envious people. How to understand this?
- Question: How can I help the vaisnavas from not getting attacked by the great destroyer corona virus?
- Question: Could you please describe in more details the benefits of congregational chanting online worldwide? What resources does it require, both technical and personal? Is it possible to chant 24 hours, 7 days a week, kirtan, taking into account different time zones?
- Question: How is it that Mukunda Datta who was such a great devotee, committed offence by being in mayawadi association? And how does one become dear to Lord Caitanya, following in the footsteps of Mukunda Datta?
- Question: If we do not have Tulasi plant at home in the UK, and we do Tulasi puja to a picture of Tulasi devi, is the spiritual benefit the same, as when we do puja to the actual Tulasi plant?
- Question: How can one be free from sinful activities developing devotional life?
- Question: I was reading your biography on your Facebook today. I have to translate it into Chinese. Please kindly clear my doubts. Question 1: It is said that when he first arrived in Mayapur, understanding that he was in the holy land, he offered his obeisances and then dipped his head into the cool Ganges mud to get the blessings. Please kindly confirm that you dipped your head into the cool Ganges mud instead of the Ganges water? Question 2: March 1974 the first Gaura Purnima festival was held, and so it was 1974 and not 1972?
- Question: I am your sheltered devotee. I am trying to do devotional service. First for a few months, I was feeling good doing japa, but now the taste is going down. Please give mercy to this servant to feel taste for chanting.
- Question: How can we, Kali yuga’s conditioned, fallen souls, feel the taste of Hare Krsna maha mantra. In your previous classes, we have heard Caitanya Mahaprabhu, by chanting the holy name, fell unconscious and regained consciousness, in deep love and devotion towards Harinama. How can we also feel the same?
- Question: During this time of pandemic, how can one increase the preaching efforts when going out and face to face contact has to be avoided?
- Question: I have heard in lectures that a pure devotee can see Krsna everywhere. That He is never out of your vision. At the same time in the Siksastakam prayer, Lord Caitanya says, Govinda, I am feeling Your separation to be like twelve years or more. I am feeling all vacant in the world in Your absence. How do we understand this.
- Question: How to abandon everything else apart from the direct devotional service to increase our developed pure devotion? Or to do both – indirect devotional service and develop pure devotion.
- Question: As a student, what is the best way to preach and remain in Krsna consciousness? how to remain focused while chanting?
- Question: Can I worship Lord Balaji?
- Question: How the brahmana cursed Lord Caitanya and he got love of Krsna?
- Question: Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj, How do I offer Tulasi to the Lord’s feet?
- Question: During initiation, I took vows to observe the four regulative principles. But suddenly if I was not able to keep one of the principles, what should I do?
- Question: I am part of the Iskcon Youth Forum and following devotional service. But sometimes, there is so much difficulty in the way devotees behave that I develop bad thoughts for them. And therefore I am not able to concentrate on my japa. I don’t want to wake up for mangala arati. And many a time, I feel like leaving the place and going away. What should I do under the circumstances so that my devotional life is taken care of and I advance?
- Question: At our local temple we have been told that while doing any kind of devotional service, we should not apply any lotion, cream or oil on any part of the body. Is this a temple standard or it should be observed at home also?
- Question: How to serve guru maharaj every day? How to please gurudev?
- Question: I have been a devotee for eight years and have begged for initiation. The rest is your mercy. My family is a ritualistic brahmana family. When I go home I have to do a lot of pujas along with my father. But my siksa guru told me that once I take initiation, I cannot do all these pujas. My family is not a devotee family. In this situation, what should I do?
- Question: Did Srila Prabhupada encourage his followers to read Tulasi das’ Sri Ramacaritra Manas? We hear different opinions from devotees regarding what Srila Prabhupada actually said.
- Question: How to develop or be really fixed in our faith and Krsna consciousness during an unstable period situation that we are going through like now? How to better use this time that we have to purify ourselves and please you, and spread Krsna consciousness?
- Question: Bengali: How I can devote my mind and consciousness in the service at the lotus feet of Lord Kṛṣṇa, in happiness and distress?
- Question: Because of Gaura’s extreme mercy, will all jivas eventually get Prema Bhakti?
- Question: During the course of your service to Srila Prabhupada, when you faced obstacles, especially which appeared insurmountable, how were you able to overcome them? Was it through prayers? Or by seeking shelter of our acaryas? Or the Lord? What would you recommend to us as the best course of action when we face such obstacles? What should be our prayers?
- Question: I am leaving Mayapur and I feel extremely sad about it. What to do?
- Question: Can you please explain the significance of Tulasi neck beads of 1,2,3,4 and 5 rounds. Is it ok to wear 3 rounds of Tulasi neck beads before initiation? Can we wash our initiated chanting beads in the Ganges? I saw some devotees washing, so I had a doubt.
- Question: How to live without Krsna? I feel [AUDIO BREAK] sometimes because of it
- Question: Can we kill mosquitoes or should we not kill any creatures?
- Question: I have been staying in association for some years now and chanting and reading Srila Prabhupada’s books regularly. But I still find it hard to control myself in provocative situations. I fear some day, maintaining regulative principles may be at stake. How can I sharpen my intelligence so that I can control my mind and steadily practice bhakti?
- Question: How can we always remain focused and remain enthusiastic in ISKCON because I have failed many times to keep the focus and enthusiasm in continuation, even after taking a vow that now I would do.
- Show Remaining Articles (485) Collapse Articles
- Health Update and Request to Disciples
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- MEB Meeting Cancelled
- Afternoon Update – 12 Oct 2012
- Morning Update – 12 Oct 2021
- Health Update – 11 Oct 2021
- Early Sri Caitanya Class Tomorrow - 5.15pm IST
- Addressed Tamil Devotees
- Meeting with Senior Devotees
- Mayapur Master Plan Meeting
- Co-directors’ Meeting with MCS Leaders
- Meeting with JPS Secretariat
- Meeting with GBC Committee On Innovative Preaching
- GBC Meeting
- SIDC Meeting
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- MEB (Mayapur Executive Board) Meeting
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- His Grace Kesava Gauranga dasa left his body
- Addressed Mayapur Bhakti Vriksha Sammhelan
- Mayapur Master Plan Meeting
- Meeting with SGVA Secretary
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Eastern India Youth Preachers Convention
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- GBC Subcommittee Meeting
- Food for Life Secretariat Meeting
- His Grace Kulasekara dasa left his body
- MEB (Mayapur Executive Board) Meeting
- Interesting Video on How wearing mask works to spread the Virus
- Meeting with Kotak Mahindra Bank Head
- GBC Subcommittee Meeting
- International Shravanam Week: Books are the Basis
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- GBC Meeting
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Meeting regarding TOVP
- Meeting on New Educational Project
- Bhadra Campaign Celebration Address
- Bhadra Campaign Celebration – 20th Sept, 5.30 to 9am IST
- Go To Goloka Bhadra Campaign Address
- His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami 76th Vyasa-puja Homage
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Namahatta Leaders Meeting
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Short Video Offering on 51st sannyasa anniversary
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Special Radhashtami Class at 7.30am IST
- Address on occasion of my 51st Sannyasa Anniversary
- Meeting With Nepal Officers
- Sri Radhashtami Class On Tuesday, 14th Sept’21
- Guru Vandana Video Offering
- Mayapur Master Plan Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Shyamadesh Children Program
- JPS Secretariat Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Mayapur Co-director’s Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Latin American RGB Meeting
- Indian GBC Meeting
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- JSSS Worldwide Virtual Retreat Day 2
- Central Manager Made Announcement
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- JSSS Worldwide Virtual Retreat on 4-5 Sept
- Puri Project Committee Meeting
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Health Update – 02 Sept 2021
- EIDC Meeting
- GBC Meeting
- Release of Commemorative Coin by Sri Narendra Modi
- Srila Prabhupada Birthplace Inauguration
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- International Online Quiz on Srila Prabhupada Award Ceremony
- Happy Srila Prabhupada Vyasa-puja Celebration! Happy Nandotsava Day!
- Sri Krsna Janmashtami Class On Monday, 30th Aug’21
- ICC Meeting
- Mayapur Master Plan Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- MEB (Mayapur Executive Board) Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- GBC Meeting
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Mayapur Master Plan Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Indian Bureau Meeting
- Navadvipa Mandal Development Secretariat Meeting
- GBC Meeting
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Putrada Ekadasi
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Meeting with ISKCON Resolve
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Indian Bureau Meeting
- JPS e-care Secretariat Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- ISKCON Malaysia Special Celebration
- ISKCON NRJD Srila Prabhupada Treasure Hunt, Bengaluru, India
- Meeting with ISKCON Resolve
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Presentation To SAC
- Mayapur Co-director’s Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Meeting with ISKCON Malaysia Goraksa Task Force
- SMIS Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Latin American RGB Meeting
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Meeting with Madhava Haridas dasa
- Registration Day of ISKCON in New York
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Meeting With Bangladesh
- Sri Mayapur Master Plan Meeting
- Japan Bhakti Sastri Address
- Bhadra Purnima Inaugural Program
- Srila Lokanatha Gosvami Disappearance Day
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Bhadra Purnima 2021 Inaugural Program
- IIAC Meeting
- MayapurTV Special Event
- Special Event to Celebrate MayapurTV
- Kolkata-Mayapur Boat Secretary Meeting
- Food for Life Secretariat Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- GBC Subcommittee Meeting
- Meeting with Bhaktivedanta Research Institute
- Meeting with Nepal Devotees
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- GBC Subcommittee Meeting
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami Disappearance Day
- Happy Guru Purnima
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Meeting with Doctor
- CDM Secretary Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Cellulitis Therapy
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Cellulitis Special Solution Treatment
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- GBC Mediation Team Meeting
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- GBC Subcommittee for Innovative Preaching Meeting
- Request To Disciples
- Health Update – 15 July 2021
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Mayapur Co-director’s Meeting
- Health Forum Meeting
- Meeting With His Holiness Bhakti Vichara Visnu Maharaj
- Indian Bureau Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- GBC Subcommittee Meeting
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Caitanya Lila Class Canceled
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Indian Bureau Meeting
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Mayapur Community Sector Leaders Meeting
- GBC Subcommittee for Innovative Preaching Meeting
- ICC Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- GBC Meeting
- Change In Srimad Bhagavatam Class Zoom Id
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Mayapur Vrndavana Trust Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- GBC Subcommittee Meeting
- GBC Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Kirtana Festival in Krasnodar, Russia
- Meeting with JPS Secretariat
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Shabda Hari Dasa Book Launch Tomorrow
- Meeting with Guru Gauranga Dasa
- JPS E-care Meeting
- ISKCON Indian Bureau Meeting
- SIDC Meeting - Smriti Sabha of Sarvananda Prabhu
- EIDC Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Meeting With Usha Rani Trustees
- GBC Subcommittee Meeting
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Meeting Regarding National Institute of Open School
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- GBC Meeting
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- GBC Subcommittee Meeting
- ISKCON Coimbatore Covid-19 Crisis Food For Life
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Forehead Operation – Update
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Chinese Dragon Festival Greetings
- Gangasagar Prasadam Distribution to Yaas Cyclone Affected People
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- His Divine Grace A .C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- New York Ratha-yatra 2021
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- ENT Doctor Did Inspection
- Ganga Dasa Bird Report
- New York Ratha-yatra
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Meeting Regarding Mayapur
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- GBC Meeting
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Latin American RGB Meeting
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Appearance Day of Vrndavana Dasa Thakura
- ISKCON Indian Bureau Meeting
- Attended Bangladesh Youth Program
- Meeting With Malaysian Leaders
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Cremation Ghat Construction
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- ICC Meeting – 10.30am IST
- Co-directors’ Meeting – 11.30am IST
- His Grace Bhuvaneshwar Prabhu (ACBSP) Passed Away
- His Grace Simharaja dasa Passed Away
- At 5pm IST, TOVP Exhibits Meeting
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Nrsimha Chaturdasi Adhivasa Ceremony
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Initiation Ceremony for Devotees from USA
- Shelter Ceremony for Devotees from USA
- Aspiring Ceremony for Devotees from USA
- Meeting With Correspondence Team
- Mayapur Boat Festival
- GBC Meeting
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Happy Jahnu Saptami
- Initiation Ceremony
- Shelter Ceremony
- Aspiring Ceremony
- Indian Bureau Meeting
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Mayapur Boat Festival – Day 2
- Bhakti Vaibhava Exam
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Lockdown For West Bengal, India
- Second Day of the Chandan Yatra and ISKCON Boat Festival
- Boat Festival in Mayapur
- Addressed “The Art of Survival During Covid times” Talk
- Indian Bureau Meeting
- Meeting with UK Devotees
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Indian Bureau Meeting
- GBC Meeting
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Meeting With Secretariat
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Gadadhara Prabhu’s Appearance Day Celebration
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Meeting with South Indian Zonal Secretaries
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Smriti-sabha of His Grace Pankajanghri Prabhu
- Memorial Meet for Sripad Pankajanghri Prabhu
- Attended The GBC Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Meeting With The Co-directors Of Mayapur
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- GBC Meeting – 5pm to 6.45pm IST
- Meeting with Mayapur Co-directors’ – 12 till 1.30pm IST
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Request For Prayers For Pankajanghri Prabhu
- ISKCON 24-hr Non-stop Japathon
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Addressed JSSS Virtual World-wide Retreat
- Meeting with Jagannatha Tirtha Dasa
- Meeting With Subheksana Dasa, Co-director In Mayapur
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- GBC Meeting
- Initiation Ceremony for UK
- Shelter Ceremony For UK
- Aspiring Ceremony For UK
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Announcement Regarding Pankajanghri Prabhu
- Email for Covid-19 Affected Devotees
- Request Prayers For Pankajanghri Prabhu
- Health Committee Meeting
- Request for Prayers
- Non-stop 24 hour Hare Kṛṣṇa 7-day Japathon
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Official Health Update on HG Pankajanghri prabhu (7.15 am, 29th April, Camp: Kolkata)
- Book Releases
- Special Email-id for Covid-19 Affected Devotees
- Prayers for Devotees Tested Positive For Covid-19
- Priti Rani Devi Dasi From Malaysia Left Her Body
- GBC Proposal And Correspondence
- Called Her Grace Shiromani devi dasi
- Meeting With GBC And Bureau Members
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Meeting With GBC And Bureau Members
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- ICC Meeting Morning Session
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- GBC Meeting
- Sri Rama Navami Celebration – 21 April 2021
- Name Choice
- His Grace Pankajanghri Prabhu And Other Covid-19 Patients
- Co-directors’ Meeting
- ISKCON Chosica, Peru Darsana
- Picking Out Names For The Initiation Candidates
- Homage For Srila Prabhupada Vyasa-puja
- Meeting With Sri Mayapur International School Principal
- Co-directors’ Meeting
- Meeting With The Zonal Secretaries of South India
- Meeting With My Doctor Team & Pankajanghri Dasa – 10am IST
- Happy Poila Baisakh
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- GBC Meeting
- Invitation To Join Virtual Safari 2021
- Aayudh Ayurvedic Medicine Seems To Help For Covid-19
- All devotees came to wish me a Happy Birthday
- Meeting with National Communication Officer
- Mayapur Co-directors’ Meeting
- I was warned about Vyasa-puja
- Announcement To The Community Regarding Covid
- Reports from different senior devotees, who are tested positive
- Meeting Regarding Ramakeli
- His Holiness Sridhara Swami Disappearance Day
- Happy Srivasa Thakura Appearance Day!
- GBC Meeting
- Braja Vilas Dasa Speaks At EIDC
- GBC Seva On GEM
- GBC Meeting
- Braja Vilas Dasa Speaks At EIDC
- Co-director of Mayapur Meeting
- GBC Work
- Second Year Sannyasa Anniversary Celebration of His Holiness Bhakti Vinaya Swami & His Holiness Bhakti Advaita Navadvipa Swami
- Bhaktivedanta Swami Charity Trust Annual General Meeting
- Jagannatha Misra Feast
- GBC Work
- Happy Gaurabda 535!
- His Grace Braja Vilas Dasa Adhikari Announcement
- I called up His Holiness Bhakti Vighna Vinasa Nrsimha Swami
- Gaura Nitai Abhisheka At My Residence
- Shelter Ceremony
- Spiritual Name Choosing – 10.07am until 12.20pm IST
- My Blessings to all the devotees on the sacred occasion of Gaura Purnima!
- After Mangala Arati Announcement
- Prayer for Devotees Who Are Covid Positive
- Special Announcement
- Happy Gaura Purnima Day!
- Gaura Purnima Special Class On Sunday, 28th March, 7am IST
- Gaura Purnima Address
- Initiation Were Cleared By His Grace Mani Gopal Dasa Adhikari
- Initiation Ceremony Was Held
- His Holiness Bhakti Purusottama Swami Tested positive For Covid-19
- HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja Blesses Me For Sannyasa
- Meeting With Mayapur Co-directors – 11am to 1pm IST
- Medication For Cellulitis
- Jayapataka Swami App Team
- Jayapataka Swami App has 23,000 Downloads
- Safari After Gaura Purnima
- Addressing Mayapur Sankirtana Awards
- I Got Award In The Book Distribution Ceremony
- I worked with various GBC proposals, that were pending
- Some Russian Medicine Was Sent For My Cellulitis
- It was also announced that this year as every year, on Govinda Dvadasi Santipura festival is on
- His Holiness Bhakti Purusottama Swami Announced New Guest-House
- It was very interesting, His Holiness Bhakti Purusottama Swami’s Announcement
- South Indian Divisional Council Meeting
- At 5.00pm, I attended TOVP Museum of the Vedic Planetarium
- Appearance day of His Holiness Gauranga Prema Swami
- Doctor Gave Me Intravenous Medication
- Cellulitis In My Left Leg
- Cellulitis
- Health Update – 21 March 2021
- Blood Sugar Test
- Navadvipa Parikrama 4th Day
- Siddha Jagannath Das Babaji’s Samadhi Audio Message for Parikrama Devotees
- Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama Day 3
- I Attended The IIAC Meeting
- Discussion With Local GBC
- His Grace Krsna Kirtana Dasa Brahmacari Left His Body
- Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama Day 3
- GBC Seva on GEM
- IIAC - ISKCON India Advisory Committee Meeting
- ISKCON Vaiṣṇavī Ministry
- Meeting With His Holiness Guru Prasad Swami
- GBC Meeting
- ISKCON Ekachakra Dhama – Birth Place of Lord Nityananda
- I was listening to kīrtana lead by Hari Kīrtana dāsa.
- GBC Seva on GEM
- ISKCON Mayapur Kirtana Mela Day 2
- Festival Breakfast & Lunch Sponsorship Is Available
- Disappearance Day of His Holiness Tamala Krsna Gosvami
- Happy Blissful Disappearance Day of Sri Rasikananda and Siddha Jagannatha Dasa Babaji
- Inauguration Of the Mayapur Gaura Purnima Festival
- Happy And Blissful Siva Ratri
- Meeting With Maharaj From South India
- GEM – GBC Environmental Management
- GBC Meeting
- Mayapur Administrative Council Meeting
- GBC Proposals – 09 March 2021
- Blissful Vijaya Ekadasi
- Latin American RGB Meeting – 08 March 2021
- No One Should Go Hungry Campaign – Prasadam Distribution In North England
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura’s Eight Instructions
- GBC Meeting
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- GBC Bureau Meeting
- ISKCON Eastern India Divisional Council Meeting
- Reading Srila Prabhupada Books
- Latin America GBC Meeting
- Correspondence
- Care For Devotees
- Some Adjustments In The Srila Prabhupada Instructions Place
- Reading Srila Prabhupada’s Books
- Mayapur Daily Message From Srila Prabhupad
- Reading Srila Prabhupada’s Books
- Performed Surgical Procedure
- A Special Meeting With The JSSS World Wide Team
- Narottama Dasa Thakura’s Appearance Day Greetings
- Meeting For Mayapur Devotee Care Project
- Mayapur Progression Program
- Gratitude For Taking Books From Virtual Table
- GBC Meeting Attendance
- Mayapur Administrative Council Meeting
- Happy Varahadeva Appearance Day
- Ekachakra Virtual Parikrama
- Meeting On How To Expand The Book Distribution
- Meeting Regarding The Saraswata Gaudiya Vaisnava Association
- Sri Krsna Caitanya Book Compilation – 21 Feb 2021
- Essence Of Bhagavad-gita Closing Ceremony
- Offering 1% of Kṛṣṇa Prasādam To Viṣvaksena And Various Vaiṣṇavas
- Happy Greetings On Bhismastami
- Advaita Gosai’s House Next To Srivasa Angana
- His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada’s Instructions
- Advaita Acarya Birth Place
- Happy Advaita Acarya Appearance Day
- Meeting With The Congregational Development Ministry
- SIDC – Bhima Dasa, Manager & Trustee, BBT, India, Attended
- Join in Celebrating Sri Caitanya Caritamrita – Starting Friday
- Advaita Acarya’s Birth Place
- I Woke Up At 1.30 AM
- Sri Krsna Caitanya Book Compilation – 17 Feb 2021
- His Grace Tīrtha Tilaka Dāsa left his body
- Mangala Arati In Mayapur
- Sri Krsna Caitanya Book Compilation – 16 Feb 2021
- Srikhanda Darsana
- Sri Visnupriya Darsana
- Happy Vasanta Pancami
- Happy Vasanta Pancami
- Sri Krsna Caitanya Book Compilation – 12 February 2021
- Prasadam Distribution
- Chinese New Year Best Wishes
- Compilation Of Sri Krsna Caitanya Book
- GBC Meeting
- Mayapur Administrative Council Meeting
- Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir Mangala Arati
- A gift from HH Nirañjana Swami
- GBC Bureau Mediation Meeting
- Sri Krsna Caitanya Lila Class – 09 Feb 2021
- Chest Therapy
- Show Remaining Articles (485) Collapse Articles
Health Update
- 20190422 An evening darśana talk
- 20210703 Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.9.30
- 20210131 Sri Krsna Caitanya Book Compilation by His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Maharaja, Sridhama Mayapur, India
- 20210130 Sri Krsna Caitanya Book Compilation by His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Maharaja, Sridhama Mayapur, India
- 20210130 Srimad Bhagavatam 1.6.18 class by HIs Holiness Jayapataka Swami Maharaja, Sridhama Mayapur, India
- 20210129 Sri Krsna Caitanya Book Compilation by His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Maharaja, Sridhama Mayapur, India
- 20210128 Sri Krsna Caitanya Book Compilation by His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Maharaja, Sridhama Mayapur, India
- 20210127 Sri Krsna Caitanya Book Compilation by His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Maharaja, Sridhama Mayapur, India
- 20210126 Sri Krsna Caitanya Book Compilation by His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Maharaja, Sridhama Mayapur, India
- 20210125 Sri Krsna Caitanya Book Compilation by His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Maharaja, Sridhama Mayapur, India
- 20210124 Sri Krsna Caitanya Book Compilation by His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Maharaja, Sridhama Mayapur, India
- 20210123 Sri Krsna Caitanya Book Compilation by His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Maharaja, Sridhama Mayapur, India
- 20210122 Sri Krsna Caitanya Book Compilation by His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Maharaja, Sridhama Mayapur, India
- 20210121 Sri Krsna Caitanya Book Compilation by His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Maharaja, Sridhama Mayapur dhama, India
- Srila Prabhupada Daily Quotation
- Question: My kids are 8 and 6 years old. My husband is an occasional chanter. I have my in-laws with me. My mother-in-law and sister also stay with us. Please guide me how I can be instrumental in their spiritual life?
- Question: I cannot understand this. I have a brother who is working on a legal case and there is a little girl she is like 6 years old, she was in a car accident and she is in a vegetative state, her seat belt ripped all of her body and her organs but she is alive. So my brother was telling me that there was a chance that probably she would live another 50 years on life support. Maybe even longer and that they brought in specialists from Canada who can communicate with people in vegetative state and they understand that the little girl, even though she cannot open her eyes, she cannot really do anything, she can respond, she is happy in that state. But the question is that she has a mother who knows that her little girl is responding, that she wants to win, she is happy. But then you have the insurance people who want to pull the plugs because she cannot live by herself. What is the right thing to do in a situation like that where she is mentally responding, that she does not want to die?
JPS Diary