Saturday, Oct 20th, 2018
End of day 66 post liver and kidney transplants
22:00 Hrs. (Indian standard time)
Update #71
Dear God Family, Disciples and well-wishers of H. H. Jayapataka Swami Maharaja,
By the mercy of Lord Krishna, Guru Maharaja continues to remain stable and progressing steadily.
At this point in time the focus is on nutrition and exercise. Guru Maharaja is continuing his physiotherapy and spirometer. Today he met a speech therapist who will soon give Guru Maharaja his plan for speech therapy. Guru Maharaja continues to give his classes on Facebook daily since 13th Oct, 2018.
In the meantime, while we thank the Lord for shower of mercy, we have started a “What’s App group” for reporting the number of ghee lamps offered on a daily basis all over the world. You may be aware we have set a target of 1 million ghee lamps for the pleasure of Lord Damodhar in the forthcoming holiest month of Karthik. The group link is as below, which please click to join & report:
Kindly continue the prayers and please post details of the same together with pictures, audio and video on as this will greatly please Guru Maharaja and will help Guru Maharaja recover faster. This will also help him tremendously in quickly realizing his commitments to Srila Prabhupada and achieving his devotional desires.
Please note that the next update will be on 24.10.2018.
On behalf of the Health Team and JPS Seva Committee,
Your Servant
Mahavaraha Das