Question: We sometimes admire the qualities of some people who do not practice Krsna consciousness but they have pious qualities. We cannot determine their devotion but they do not practice Krsna consciousness. Is it okay to admire their qualities? And what qualities should we consider material?

Jayapataka Swami: The madhyama adhikari see people in four levels. They see the Supreme Lord and His pure devotees, in a respectful mood. They see the devotees who are peers, in equal level, they try to associate with them. Then they see the innocent people who are...

Question: How do we know if our attachment for Krsna is increasing?

Jayapataka Swami: You should know if your love for Krsna is increasing. If your attachment for material things is decreasing, then your attachment to Krsna is increasing. So, there are some anubhavas, they are described in the Caitanya Caritamrita. Achieving some of...