Question: 1. If Lord Brahmā is subject to birth, death, old age and disease, then why Bhagavān has created different worlds instead of one world, where all can reside together? As the material world entities have limited potential? 2. Why so many lokās in this material universe when all living beings are subject to birth, death, old-age, and disease?

Jayapataka Swami: Since there are different desires, naturally there are different worlds,to house the people according to their nature and qualities. So, if everybody had the same desires and same nature, you would have one world. But since people have different...

Question: I can feel always that you give mercy to me though I am very fallen and unpurified soul. Without guru’s mercy, I cannot do anything. But sometimes I feel a great distance from the spiritual master in my mind. Dear beloved father, how can I feel, perceive that you, guru, are always with me and I am at your lotus feet?

Jayapataka Swami: You should understand that I am always supporting you. We are connected through the Supersoul, and thus as long as you are following my orders, Kṛṣṇa will help you in various ways. In that way, I am always with you, and you are always with me....

Question: In the Caitanya-bhāgavata, description, it describes that Lord Caitanya’s procession went through many towns from here to the Chand Kazi’s house, and afterwards to Śrīdhara aṅgana. The distance from here to the Chand Kazi’s place and Śrīdhara aṅgana is quite short, and some of the mentioned towns and villages mentioned are far from here like, Gādigāca etc. Please can you kindly explain?

Jayapataka Swami: It is said that Lord Caitanya, He went throughout Navadvīpa city,and there they describe the different parts as towns. But in modern usage, we would call them as neighborhoods. In London, they call the different parts of the city as boroughs or...

Question: Is it appropriate for ISKCON devotees to charge money from audience by teaching Krsna consciousness philosophy and kirtana, and maintain their household life from that income. I am asking this because usually we do everything free in the temple but when some new people meet devotees, who charge money for teaching Krsna consciousness philosophy and kirtan, the new people get confused thinking that maybe they are going after money.

Jayapataka Swami: Generally, we give classes in the temple free of charge. I am trying to think. Sometimes like for instance in Vrndavana or Mayapur, they teach Bhakti Sastri or Bhakti Vaibhava. So they charge something. But you take the course and it is understood...