Question: In Bhagavad-gita, Lord Krsna says that He remembers everything, what we have done in the past, present and future. But He doesn’t have a beginning, middle and end to know about the secret. He says one has to reach Vaikuntha. Question is: how come Lord Krsna has no beginning? Eager to understand how He has no beginning? Second is can you advise, why soul in this material world is actually separated from the spiritual world?

Jayapataka Swami: You see everything in the material world has a beginning and an end. But in the spiritual world, there is no beginning and no end! Krsna always existed, the spiritual world always existed! Sometimes the material world is manifest, sometimes it is...

Question: How can we measure our bhakti?

Jayapataka Swami: There are different steps mentioned in bhakti yoga. And according to these steps one could understand to what degree they have advanced. The first step is shradha. You have faith to listen. 1% Krsna conscious, 99% maya. Next step is association with...

Question: I am confused about my duty. We girls always busy in serving our family, do not get time for service to guru and temple. Devotees say that taking care of our family members is also service to guru. Is it so gurudeva? But I am feeling bad that I am not doing any sevā for you. Is it ok gurudeva? If I do my sādhana at home and serve my family, and do no to do any service to temple? Please bless me guru maharaj to get time and strength and chance to do sevā at your lotus feet.

Jayapataka Swami: It is not clear that you are married or not? In the question you only wrote about mother and father. Definitely a mother has a duty to train her children in Kṛṣṇa consciousness. And that is also a service to guru and Kṛṣṇa. If one is able to help the...