Question: In the class last week we heard that it is ok to accept the prasadam of Lord Siva, thinking that he is the foremost of vaisnavas. Similarly, if the prasadam of other devatas like Ganesa, Kartikeya, etc. are offered to us, should we accept thinking that they are also servitors of the Lord? Is it considered offensive if we don’t take the prasadam?

Jayapataka Swami: If you think that they are separate, then you should not take their prasadam, but if you see that they are devotees, then it is alright to take the prasadam. So it will be offensive to reject it. 10-Dec-2020 ŚRĪ MĀYĀPUR DHAM, INDIA

Question: What if a disciple breaks his initiation vow?

Jayapataka Swami: Normally, if one does a sin, there is some prayascita recommended. But there is no higher prayascita than devotional service. So if one breaks his vow he should pray to the deities, express to the guru and beg for forgiveness. Then he should try to...

Question: In the Siskastakam in the 8th verse Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that even if Krsna makes be broken hearted by not being present before Me, He is completely free to do everything. But practically it is very difficult to imbibe this mood. How we have to be in this mood?

Jayapataka Swami: It is the mood of love. If you love someone, you will feel like this. So in the 8thverse of the Siksastakam naturally, we achieve love for Krsna and therefore we fully surrender to Him. 10-Dec-2020 ŚRĪ MĀYĀPUR DHAM, INDIA