It’s not us, it’s the mercy of our Spiritual Master

“If we become a little expert in our service immediately we think that how wonderful I am, we forget that how wonderful my spiritual master’s mercy is that he can make such a useless person as myself do something which appears to be even slightly useful in...

Devotee is judged according to surrender and sincerity

“In Krishna’s eyes, every devotee is judged according to his surrender and sincerity on how much he is taking commitment to do his service. If he takes more responsibility, he is given more mercy, because he needs it to cross over all the trials that come with...

We must see the good qualities in devotees

“We must see the good qualities in Vaisnavas. If some Vaisnava sometimes does something that you don’t like, or he does something that you don’t think is in keeping with proper Vaisnava behavior, then you can decide not to follow his example. But...

We are so fortunate

“We are so fortunate to get human bodies in this age. If we do not take the shelter of the lotus feet of Gauranga Mahaprabhu, then our human life is a waste. A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada spread the name of Gauranga and the Holy Name all over the...

Krishna’s name has the highest strength

“Krishna’s name has the highest strength and potency. Krishna and His name are non-different. If everyone chants the name of Krishna, they will be completely transformed.” His Holiness Jayapataka Swami 11th July 2016 Kolkata, India