By what kind of service can I please you the most?

All glories to your service. It is really a question of each individual, what service will really involve their mind. Some people might like brahminical activities, some protecting the devotees in their Kshatriya mood. In the UK they were taking out the Harinama party...

Which quality do you really want your disciples to have?

“I asked this to Srila Prabhupada. Many devotees asked. Prabhupada said: ‘I want my devotees to have love of Krishna’. So that makes the spiritual master most pleased.” His Holiness Jayapataka Swami 7th August 2018 Chennai,...

What Determines Our Future?

“One suffers and enjoys according to his previous activities, how we act now will determine what will happen to us in the future; how successful we can be.” His Holiness Jayapataka Swami 8th June 1980 Calcutta, India

Do We Have a Choice?

“Surrender to Krishna is not a function of karma, if it were a function of karma, then why Krishna would offer to Arjuna the choice, either you fight or you don’t fight, but I say fight, that means that there is a choice; living entity has minute independence.” His...

What Stops Us From Being Happy

“Unless we obey the laws of God, unless we follow the rule of Krishna we cannot be happy, and we put ourselves in Krishna’s hand that now I am simply going to follow Your instructions, until that point, there is no shelter; thus one is forced into unwelcome situations...

How many houses Lord Caitanya stayed in?

“Lord Caitanya, He travelled West India, South India, North India, East India for more than six years. And every day he used to find a new place. They would receive Him with pada puja and offer Him meals. So you calculate — about six or seven years — how many...