They are actually present

“So we should understand that Krsna, Rukmini-Dvarakadish, Guru-Gauranga, Nitai-Gaura, Jagannath Subhadra Balaram, They are actually present. If we are not able to see that, we are not able to understand Their intention, that is our misfortune, we should lament...

Being conscious of Krishna

“Being conscious of Krishna means that one is already above the evolutionary platform of liberation. One is already a liberated soul. So, it’s already far beyond the material platform.” His Holiness Jayapataka Swami 5th April 1986 Atlanta,...

Achieving the highest position

“Behind pure vaisnavas there is automatically a desire for achieving the highest position of being a servant of the servant. And behind that desire there is no materialistic tinge. And in that pure relationship with Krsna, there is not even the slightest touch...

Consciousness anchored on the lotus feet

“If our consciousness is anchored on the lotus feet of guru and Gauranga, then we will be dragged to Krsna. If our consciousness is anchored to the mud of material life, then even we make this show of rowing back to Krsna, we will not make progress.” His...

Even the demons are delivered by mercy

“Even the demons are delivered by mercy. Maya doesn’t want people to stay always in illusion. That’s why she kicks them. She is like the cool hand to remind us that we should just take shelter of Krishna.” His Holiness Jayapataka Swami 16th June 1981 Los...

How to be saved from the greatest dangers

“If one chants Hare Krishna, he will be saved from the greatest dangers. And by chanting one will feel protected. All the obstacles in his life are removed by chanting this Hare Krishna mahamantra.” His Holiness Jayapataka Swami 9th September 1979 Los...