Agenda for 10th June Massive Worldwide Video Conference

6:30 pm IST HG Maha Varaha Prabhu and HH Bhakti Purusottama Swami speech – 10 minutes 6:40pm to 6:55pm Japa 6:55:pm to 7:10pm Narasimha Kavacham 7:10 to 7:20 Narasimhadev prayers 7:30pm Guru Maharaja will speak few words Tentative...

Meeting with HH BVV Nrshima Swami

5th June 2018 Chennai, India His Holiness BVV Nrshima Swami Maharaja visited His Holiness Jayapayaka Swami Guru Maharaja at his residence in Chennai and they discussed about preaching in Bangalore and South East Asian countries.    ...

A pure devotee is willing to do whatever it takes

“A pure devotee does desire to have Krishna’s mercy established all over the world. And for that, he’s willing to do whatever it takes.” His Holiness Jayapataka Swami 15th December 1981 Bombay, India