Question: You were saying that the smarta brahmanas they follow the rules and regulations but they don’t have devotion. So what makes the difference if I follow the rules but I don’t have devotion. Won’t we develop devotion by following the rules and regulations consistently?  

Guru maharaj: They follow the rules which are given in certain scriptures, so that they can get good karma. So that is why they can enjoy material life. They don’t actually want to serve Krishna, and they don’t read or accept the vaishnava shaastras. So like in South...

Ignorance of exactly where we stand

“Transcendental life is reality which is not changing, which is permanent, which is filled with bliss and knowledge and this material life is always changing, there is no permanence and there is a general ignorance of exactly where we stand.” His Holiness...

Then maya cannot get us

“Maya is so strong and we are so minute. We have to cling to the lotus feet of Guru, Gauranga, Nitai Gaura. We have to cling to Their lotus feet very firmly. Then maya cannot get us.” His Holiness Jayapataka Swami 16th June 1981 Los Angeles,...