Question: Lord Nityananda was an avadoot. Can you tell us more?

Guru maharaj: Avadoot means He did things very spontaneously, like He would swim across the Ganges and back. Sometimes He went from Katwa to Navadvip by river and told Mother Sachi to immediately go to Shantipur and He jumped in the river and swam down to Shantipur....

Question: If a devotee who is initiated falls down…? Question: If a devotee who is initiated falls down due to enjoying sense gratification and breaks his regulative principles and has lost the holy name and vaishnava devotees, how can such devotee advance in devotional life ahead and what is his duty towards his spiritual master and how can he be sincere enough to get back to Krishna prema and serve Srila Prabhupad’s instructions again?  

Guru maharaj: If one is initiated and breaks the principles, they are guilty of one of the offences to the holy name – disrespecting the order of the spiritual master. So there is no higher atonement than devotional service. So in that case one should repent for their...