Krishna sees how disciple is serving Guru

“Krishna sees how the disciples are serving their Guru, and accordingly He gives His mercy.” His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaja 14th April, 2011 Sridham Mayapur

How to be well situated?

“In the neophyte stages, devotees don’t know what is and what is not to be done. Therefore, they need a bona fide spiritual master. When a neophyte has an idea, he consults with such a guru and finds out if he can go ahead with a certain activity. And if that...

Positively desiring to serve Krishna and Guru

“Positively desiring to serve Krishna and the spiritual master, getting more attached to devotional service, and developing a hankering for more devotional service are important criteria of perfection. The more we desire Krishna, the more disentangled we become from...

The Three Tests

“There are three tests that we can put something into – sadhu, sastra and guru. This is the check and balance system. We can learn from examples of the great souls who lived in the past, that is sadhu praman. Then we have the sastras – the books are the basis;...

Even during times of some crisis

“Even during times of some crisis, somehow or other, the devotees are always happy by Krishna’s mercy. The impersonalists think that we can only have peace if there is no problem, but Krishna-bhakti is so potent that even amid the greatest problem, you can be...

Krishna consciousness is for everyone because…

“Krishna consciousness is for everyone because they have a desire for it. The problem is that the desires they have are actually for Krishna, but they don’t know it. If they realize how wonderful Krishna is, then even a drunkard would realize that in his...