Beware of the mind

“Be careful; beware of the mind which is very treacherous, trying to give so many false doubts for us not to chant. Simply dive in and chant.” His Holiness Jayapataka Swami 26th July 1981 Bangalore, India

The devotee who is preaching

“For the devotee who is preaching, the devotee who is dedicating and depending on Krishna, even before Krishna is fully visible, just like the sun rising in the east but the sky becomes illuminated, already the person’s consciousness becomes illuminated...

How serving becomes enjoyable and sweet

“By performing bhajana-kriya, one becomes free from anarthas and gradually improves. Then comes nistha, and from nistha comes ruchi or taste; then serving becomes enjoyable and sweet. This is ruchi in devotional service.” His Holiness Jayapataka Swami 14th...

Water the tree of devotional service

“Water the tree of devotional service and it will grow bringing the fruits of love for Krishna automatically.” His Holiness Jayapataka Swami From “Spiritual Truths from Cyberspace”

Doing service to Krishna together as couple

“Normally, the conditioned soul tries to enjoy this material world. In the grhasta-asrama people adopt the pravriti-marga. If the grhastas can practice yukta-vairagya (by doing everything for Krishna’s pleasure), then their life will be perfected. I am...

We have the responsibility of taking care of the body

“If we consider this body the property of Krishna, then we have the responsibility of taking care of it. Therefore, we try to solve our health issues as a service to Lord Krishna.” His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaja 3rd August 2019 Chennai,...