Krishna consciousness means we try for super happiness

“In the material world we are going to have to enjoy and suffer the material life – we cannot avoid it. Krishna consciousness means we try for super happiness and we regulate our material life to be peaceful. Sometimes this is called, simple living and...

Whatever service you may be able to do

“Every devotee, whatever service he may be able to do, just try to do that in such a way to please Krishna and to bring people closer and closer to Krishna. That’s the perfection.” His Holiness Jayapataka Swami 17th October 1982 Orlando,...

Question: How can we maintain the intense mood of praying?

Guru Maharaja: “How to have? Deep mood? Srila Prabhupada said, ‘What should you get from the Guru?’ And then he said, ‘You should get his vibration.’ His, you could say, his mood, his intensity. How can you get that intensity, is by serving your spiritual master and...

Even if we can do one thing perfectly

“In devotional service even if we can do one thing perfectly, whether its writing, or distributing books or just cooking for the deity, or serving or cleaning or whatever it may… one particular service, if we can do it very nicely, actually that’s our ticket to...

Take it, enjoy it and spread it everywhere

“Lord Chaitanya came and He left the seeds of love of Godhead for all of you. Take it, enjoy it and spread it everywhere!!” His Holiness Jayapataka Swami 22nd April 2013 Mayapur, West Bengal , India

Srila Prabhupada untiringly preached to us

Srila Prabhupada untiringly preached to us, preached to his disciples and to the public and tried to establish a new world. Actually he’s already established it. It already exists in his mind. By his intense desire the whole world is already saved from this material...