1,000,000 target for Damodar Lamps reached!!!

We reached 1 Million target by Guru Maharaj and Gauranga’s mercy. We really appreciate each and everyone in our group for this grand success!!! May Lord Damodara bless you and your family eternally for this wonderful services!! We will share details with Guru Maharaj...

H. H. Jayapataka Swami-Official health update

Friday, Nov 30th, 2018 End of day 105 post liver and kidney transplants 19:00 Hrs. (Indian standard time) Update #76 Dear God Family, Disciples and well-wishers of H. H. Jayapataka Swami Maharaja, We have received some amazing reports for the month of Damodar and Guru...

People who are materially well situated

“Even for those people who are materially well situated it is our responsibility to wake them up to their spiritual responsibility, their spiritual duty, purpose of life. But normally those people who are materially well situated they are very puffed up, they do...