Every time a book is purchased…

“Every time a book is purchased, means that simultaneously there will be new books being published, as well as Prabhupada’s project in India being built. So that’s a further impetus for purchasing more of Srila Prabhupada’s books, distributing...

The stage of Anartha-Nivrtti

“There’s a stage called anartha-nivrtti in devotional life. During this stage, it is seen that we sometimes perform service in a ‘thick’ or enthusiastic way, and at other times we perform service in a ‘thin’ or unenthusiastic way....

We have to be careful of Maya

We have to be careful of Maya. When a devotee’s heart is very soft, actually that makes it a ripe place to plant the seed of devotion. It also makes it a ripe place to plant the seed of material activity. So we have to be very careful to not allow material...

To see our service as material

“We may start to see our service as material if we don’t purify the consciousness by chanting and hearing.” His Holiness Jayapataka Swami 12th February 1986 New Talavan Farm, USA

Krishna will only give material facility if…

“The spiritual master and Krishna will only give material facility if a person is ripe, if a person is mature enough to tolerate that situation and properly engage it in and dovetail it in Krishna’s service.” His Holiness Jayapataka Swami 16th June, 1981...

Spiritual Master Tests the Disciple

“The spiritual master tests the disciple, Krishna also tests – is he actually sincere? If without testing, one is insincere that is not a good thing, one should be tested. And one should be willing to undergo any test Krishna gives, either before...