At the ripe old age

“At the ripe old age some people might take sannyasa, but people are generally hesitant, or they’re distracted from these spiritual activities because they’re very much attached to what they have created even though they have to leave it sooner or...

We have this opportunity

“We have this opportunity of getting Lord Caitanya’s mercy even though we may be criminals in the karmic sense. We may have had so many demoniac natures before being a devotee, even things which are not fully purified. But by the mercy of Lord Caitanya, all this...

Even an offender gets the mercy!

“Lord Chaitanya is so merciful that even if someone is an offender one gets the mercy. So someone can say that, ‘well, what is the rational for that? It’s not logical or it’s not following any established system’. Well it’s because...