Diwali wishes from Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaja

Happy Diwali! ISKCON and the Vaishnava community celebrates Diwali today. “So the whole of India was dark at that time and Lord Rama was taking Sita, Lakshman and Hanuman to Ayodhya from Sri Lanka. So how would they find Ayodhya in the dark moon night. DARK. So all...

How can we see Krishna?

“Even if someone is blind, he may get the sight to see Krishna. After all we cannot see Krishna with the eyes made out of muscles and bones and all these things. Krishna can only be seen by divine vision. If someone has the pure desire then Krishna will reveal...

Krishna is the best of all friends

“Everyone in this material world is strictly under the control of this material nature. Krishna Himself is the best of all friends to the living entities and because Krishna is the best of all friends He sends His devotees like Srila Prabhupada who are simply oceans...

H. H. Jayapataka Swami-Official health update

Wednesday, Oct 31st, 2018 End of day 77 post liver and kidney transplants 19:00 Hrs. (Indian standard time) Update #73 Dear God Family, Disciples and well-wishers of H. H. Jayapataka Swami Maharaja, By the mercy of Krishna, Guru Maharaja is progressing very well....

To Fight With Our Mind: A Never-Ending Struggle

“It’s a never-ending struggle to fight with our mind, to fight with our materialistic mind and our sense and materialistic intelligence. We have to fight with our enemies or make them our allies by simply making them subservient to the instruction of our...

What gives the real form to our devotional service?

“We may be practicing our devotional service and we are making some progress. But we are still dependent on the mercy of the Vaishnavas, mercy of the spiritual master. That mercy, that association, that mercy from outside, that is what gives the real form to our...