Why there are so many diseases?

“Because people are living without controlled senses and harmony with nature, more and more horrible diseases are always coming. Before there wasn’t so much tuberculosis or cancer, there wasn’t any aids; now all these things are coming, one by one....

H. H. Jayapataka Swami-Official health update

Saturday, Oct 06th, 2018 End of day 52 post liver and kidney transplants 21:30 Hrs. (Indian standard time) Update #64 Dear God Family, Disciples and well-wishers of H. H. Jayapataka Swami Maharaja, By mercy of Lord Sri Krishna Guru Maharaja has been alert the last two...

How to Remain Protected

“The deep water fish go deep down to the depths of the transcendental ocean, swimming in the nectar current. If one is puffed up and comes to the top, one can get caught in those nets of maya. But if one remains very humble and deep in the nectarian ocean of devotion,...

H. H. Jayapataka Swami-Official health update

Thursday, Oct 04th, 2018 End of day 50 post liver and kidney transplants 22:00 Hrs. (Indian standard time) Update #63 Dear God Family, Disciples and well-wishers of H. H. Jayapataka Swami Maharaja, Guru Maharaja is looking alert in spite of his disturbed sleep last...

A Preacher’s Responsibility

“A preacher who is going out, his duty is to repeat the message exactly as he heard it. A preacher is also responsible, he misdirects someone, if he gives the instruction which is not bonafide according to sadhu, sastra and guru, he is responsible. If a person...

H. H. Jayapataka Swami-Official health update

Wednesday, Oct 03rd, 2018 End of day 49 post liver and kidney transplants 22:00 Hrs. (Indian standard time) Update #62 (SHORT) Dear God Family, Disciples and well-wishers of HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja, Guru Maharaja was alert in the morning. He said he was feeling...