Question: What is the meaning of love of Kṛṣṇa?

Jayapataka Swami: In the material world we love different things,some people love ice cream,some people love movies. But what is real love? actually we are part of Kṛṣṇa,so it’s natural for us to love Kṛṣṇa,and if we love various parts of Kṛṣṇa,but that is...

Question: The demigods were taking the forms of human beings in these wonderful pastimes to walk around with the devotees in different pastimes, is that happening even today that they take the form of human beings to participate in kīrtanas, festivals, etc.?

Jayapataka Swami: Śrīla Prabhupāda said that sometimes Nārada muni comes down and watches the kīrtana of the devotees,and Śrīla Prabhupāda said, how he saw Nitāi-Gaura dancing in the Ratha-yātrā. So Śrīla Prabhupāda could see participation of extraterrestrials in the...

Question: I have a question regarding a female devotee. How to keep bhakti strong in her family when no one else is a devotee at home. She faces a lot of difficulties while doing bhakti herself in home and no one is supportive.

Jayapataka Swami: I can say that Kṛṣṇa blesses you, if you are facing these difficulties at home and still engaged in devotional service. It is easy if everyone is favorable. Since no one is supporting and that person is doing devotional service, Kṛṣṇa appreciates...

Question: My devotional service is not consistent. One day I will be doing service or chanting with enthusiasm and some days it is not the same. Why is it like this? I want to improve my devotional service, but laziness has pervaded all over me. Please help me Guru Mahārāja!

Jayapataka Swami:There are different steps of devotional service. The first step is śraddhā, then satsaṅga, and then bhajana-kriyā,at the state of bhajana-kriyā, one usually takes initiation. Next stage is called anartha-nivṛtti, there are different anarthas, unwanted...