Question: Sometimes the perceptions that we have upon a person due to his past dealing, we become judgmental upon that person. In the future when they approach us or when we deal with them, these previous perceptions make us judgmental and later we speak with them, we learn it is otherwise. We know that people change over time and they may not be the same as before. But these impressions are strong and does not help us to truly help the individual. Kindly advise.

Jayapataka Swami: Seems like you have realized that you need to communicate with people and that they may have changed. We want to help people, and not be influenced by our previous perceptions, or impressions. And rather give people a chance to be Krsna conscious....

Question: Can we say that those persons who are materially successfully, they were pious Hindus in their previous lives, and can we say that western devotees who are very serious spiritually, they were Indian devotees in their previous lives?

Jayapataka Swami: Srila Prabhupada said that some of his disciples were previously devotees in India! I don’t know, if you can say that every successful materially was a pious Hindu in their previous life. Somehow they have done good karma, and as a result, they are...

Question: During the stormy wind, it was very fearful throughout the night. Even being in Krsna consciousness, being fearful indicates that we have a long way to go to be fearless in such situations. So how to overcome this fearful situation and take shelter of the Supreme Lord completely?

Jayapataka Swami: Living in this material world, there is always danger at every step. One verse in the Srimad Bhagavatam says, padam padam yat vipadam – danger at every step. So it is natural to be fearful, we should be very cautious. But we know that if Krsna...