Question: How do we know if our attachment for Krsna is increasing?

Jayapataka Swami: You should know if your love for Krsna is increasing. If your attachment for material things is decreasing, then your attachment to Krsna is increasing. So, there are some anubhavas, they are described in the Caitanya Caritamrita. Achieving some of...

Question: Now during these troubled times, many people are getting realizations about how they should take their relationship with the Lord more seriously, care for mother earth, care for each other, etc. But when things get better, what is to prevent them from losing their resolve to do better and going back to the same old ways? If it pleases you, what are your thoughts on the matter?

Jayapataka Swami: That is why it is important to train the people up in chanting the Maha Mantra. So that that will change their hearts and even after things get better, they won’t be inclined to go back to their old habits, which was the cause of their problems to...