Question: Can we meditate on Lord Balarama as the Rama in the maha mantra? If so, how can we meditate on the Hare before Balarama? Is it okay to still meditate on Srimati Radharani, or does Lord Balarama have His own internal potency?

Jayapataka Swami: In the second Rama of the Hare Krsna Hare Rama, Srila Prabhupada said that there are three Ramas – Ramacandra, Raghupati Rama; Balarama and Parasurama. And we see from these pastimes, Rama is also Krsna as Rama. So, depending on what you are...

Question: We learn that Lord Gauranga is Krsna and Lord Nityananda is Balarama. So where was Lord Nityananda when Lord Caitanya was taking the mood of Balarama? Does this mean that Lord Caitanya feels everything that Balarama or Nityananda feels? Since He is His first expansion?

Jayapataka Swami: Lord Caitanya would sometime come in the mood of different avatars. Sometimes He came in the mood of Nrsimhadeva, sometimes as Varaha, so sometimes He came in the mood of Balarama. Although Lord Nityananda is Balarama. But it is said in this pastime,...

Question: My query is, which service is better? Previously when I was involved in deity related services like making flower garlands or jewelry making, I used to feel a strong connection with the Lord. Then my leader asked me to go and do preaching activities. Now when I am trying to preach, I am not feeling the same attachment for the Lord. Thus I am confused. Which seva is better? To do deity seva in the temple, or to go out and do preaching activities?

Jayapataka Swami: I don’t know why when you preach, you don’t feel connected to Krsna? Actually, the only way to preach is by being a transparent medium of the Lord. So you should feel a very strong connection, if you are preaching the right way. Generally, by...