Question: Kindly advise how to overcome ego and jealousy?

Jayapataka Swami  So we see from the histories of the last few days, although Siva is Mahesvara, since he is the Lord of the he prays to Krsna’s lotus feet that he may be freed from the offensive mentality. So he prays to him so that he stays in the spiritual...

Question: The verse in the Caitanya-caritamrta Madhya-lila, 13.30 gopi bartopadakalmalayor dasa dasanudasaha – it is so nice to hear, read and understand the verse. We may say your servant but find it very difficult to follow Srila Gurudev.

Jayapataka Swami: Servant of the servant, etc. So now we are like I don’t exactly, we are 33rd from the disciplic succession from Lord Brahma, and my disciples would be 34th. So what is hard to understand – servant, of the servant, of the servant of the...

Question: In this material world we have several kinds of relationships like father, mother, husband, sibling etc. and sometimes we get into too much attachment with them. Hence this love, attachment, becomes a bane for our devotional service. How can we get rid of this kind of over attachment?

Jayapataka Swami:   Kunti Devi prayed to Krsna that being a woman she has all this family attachment. So she requested Krsna to bless her that she may transcend that. Having more love for Krsna is the secret of success. Naturally we will be grateful for the help of...