Question: In recent years my team and I have been spreading the holy name and distributing Bhagavad-gītās. Even though many people chant and read, still they are not elevated to the level of spiritual realization. Please mercifully tell us the secrets of spreading the holy names.

Jayapataka Swami: See if people chant the holy name and read the Bhagavad-gītā, they should get the mercy of Kṛṣṇa,and Śrīla Prabhupāda always said that devotional service is a gradual process. And we see some people chant 2 rounds a day, or 4 rounds a day, so that...

Question: In the context of King Bahulāśva and the poor brāhmaṇa episode, There is largely growing concern in the masses that ISKCON society, internationally, it only belongs to the rich, opulent in high material positions,and considered as good devotees, and also they are more close to gurus and sannyāsīs. Whereas meek, humble and submissive poor devotees are considered less fortunate,and even those lose their position, their opulence, are bereft of the mercy of less mercy from gurus and sannyāsīs. Similarly, their humble, poor offerings are considered less significant. How should we deal with it within the society and with public at large?

Jayapataka Swami: Well, during this lockdown period, I make various visits by Zoom. Some houses I visit are bamboo structures, and some houses I visit are opulent structures, some are in between. We don’t have any particular policy, that we only visit the houses of...