Question: There are many initiated prabhus and matajis and their families in grhastha asrama, but their children even though they are connected to Krsna conscious families, they do not follow the devotional life style. They eat outside food and are oblivious to Krsna conscious life. If children act this way will that affect the lifestyle of the Krsna conscious parents? Kindly elaborate on this.

Jayapataka Swami: One time Srila Bhaktisiddanta Saraswati Thakura said, that he would indulge in sex life, if he knew that every time he was guaranteed to have a Krsna conscious child. That is why every time the child will be a pure devotee, that is not guaranteed....

Question: Being a grhastha how can we understand that we are actually grhastha or grhamedi? And in Srimad Bhagavatam it is already described how one should follow the grhastha life, what happens if we don’t act according to the scriptures and go on satisfying our lusty desires?

Jayapataka Swami: That is why we read in the pastime of Lord Caitanya, when Lord Caitanya was in Vrndavana, one grihastha approached Him, and he said, I am a very, very fallen grhastha. Like that he had the mercy from Lord Caitanya. So Srila Prabhupada said, as...

Question: I stay in a rented place near my work place, far from devotee association. Somehow trying to keep my bhakti life alive. Since everyday I have to do all the house work myself, it is becoming very difficult to find time for book reading and other devotional services, after coming back from office. I can only somehow finish my 16 rounds. In such situation what should I do so that I can stay fixed at your lotus feet?

Jayapataka Swami: Ladies, they have to do a lot of house work. They ask me similar questions. But you see to be working plus have to do the house work. So, the thing is that now we have the Bhagavad-gītā and different books in audio format. You can have an IPod and...