Question: What is the difference bhajana anandi and nirjana bhajana?

Guru Maharaj: You see the real question is what is the difference between bhajana anandi and ghosty anandi? Gohsty anandi is someone who wants to give the mercy to many people. Like Prahlada maharaj, he was preaching to all his school mates to chant Hare Krsna. So he...

Question: Mahārāja, why in our sampradāya the most exalted devotees are honored with samādhi. In purport of Śrīla Prabhupāda, in second chapter, of the seventh canto of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, he mentioned that not only materialistic people but some yogīs are also attached in the bodily concept of life, which won’t allow them to burn their guru’s body until it starts to smell. And here, we are also keeping the body of our gurus in samādhi. How is this different from the yogīs’ conception? How keeping the body of the ācāryais not a material concept?

Guru Maharaj:I don’t see the connection. The ācārya or sannyāsī is kept in samādhi and his body is covered with salt and then dirt. Normally, we would put the body immediately in samādhi, not keep it until it smells, or something like that. And normally, if the body...