Question: How to recognize a real vaisnava?

Jayapataka Swami: Wow, secular altar! Nitai Gaur, Radha Krsna, Jagannath Baladev Subadra. Should have Radha Krsna, Jagannath Baladeva Subadra, separate because Radharani doesn’t like to be in front of Baladeva. What is the question? How to recognize a real vaisnava?...

Question: What pleases you the most?

Jayapataka Swami: What pleases me the most? Pleasing Srila Prabhupada! Ha! Ha! He asked me to distribute books, expand the congregation, to expand Krsna consciousness pracar unlimitedly, to develop Mayapur dham, to unite the Saraswat family, to develop Navadvip dham,...

Question: The Lord gave His mercy to the dadi sannyasi by accepting prasada in his home. But we see that He did not give His immediate mercy to king Prataparudra. After many chances and by the help of the Lord’s associates. How to understand these transcendental activities of the Lord?

Jayapataka Swami:  You see, He wanted to teach that sannyasis should not associate with materialists like kings and politicians. You see, Prataparudra during the Ratha Yatra when Lord Caitanya was resting in the flower garden, he came dressed as an ordinary vaisnava,...

Question: For many years there have been disputes about the correct pronunciation of the Hare Krsna maha mantra in kirtanas and while chanting japa. As we know Srila Prabhupada did not put emphasis on strict rules in this matter. But in our society it is believed that the incorrect pronunciation of the holy name is one of the obstacles to bhakti. Residents of Bengal very often pronounce the holy name with ao. Some people due to the phonetic features of their language, cannot pronounce the holy names. For example, Chinese and others. Please let us know if it is ok to pronounce like Bengalis or which is the correct way?

Jayapataka Swami: Since Krsna is a person, and it states both in Siksastakam and others that there is no hard and fast rule for chanting the holy name. Since the Bengali alphabet is the short a is pronounced as ao and long A is aaaa. So when I was taught Bengali, the...