Question: As we all know His Holiness Bhakti Caru maharaj returned to Srila Prabhupada to join him in his preaching, in maybe another universe. So, are the pastimes of Srila Prabhupada in other universes same as in this universe or different?

Guru Maharaj: How do we know? Where is he? In which planet? What leela is he performing? Now, who knows what instructions Caitanya Deva has given him? This is an amazing thing. If you have great interest in knowing about it, you should go there and see! 06-July-2020...

Question: I cannot tolerate this separation. There is a fear in my mind that if we lose all our guru varga like this, what will happen in my life? We know that there is happiness only in Krsna consciousness, but I feel there is a lot of pain also. Is it right Guru Maharaj?

Guru Maharaj: Serving the Lord in separation gives us a special happiness. This material world, one day or other we have to leave each other. In this material world we understand that we are not this body, we are the atma. The atma, soul, never dies. Bhakti Caru...