Question: When and how Lord Nityananda got initiation?

Jayapataka Swami: Sometimes they say that He was initiated by the Guru of Madhavendra Puri, and sometimes they say by Madhavendra Puri. But He definitely was seen with the Madhva people. There was some discussion whether He was initiated by Jayatirta or Madhavendra...

Question: We should definitely respect and honor all the vaisnavas. But if some vaisnava offends some Guru in ISKCON, as a result I do not agree with him, am I committing a vaisnava aparadha? Even though he is offending (ninda) my gurudev?

Jayapataka Swami: Here the actual words were, if you blaspheme someone or ninda. Someone who is not worthy of criticizing. If someone is critical of Srila Prabhupada, Krsna or the guru, you can defend Krsna, you can defend Srila Prabhupada, or guru, or you can not ...