To make Kolkata’s Ratha Yatra the biggest

Status: In Progress
11 Supporters
Service Coordinators
H.G. Ramananda Gaura Das
Service Resources
The most comprehensive online resource on this project.
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Do you wish to join the team? Once you sign up, you will hear about updates on the above instruction and any special requests from the service coordinators.
The fortunate souls who have signed up to serve this instruction:
Snigdhamayi Sudevi Devi Dasi, Subhamaya Nitai Das, Premananda Chaitanya Das, Acaryaratna das, Jagat Kirti d.d., Surya Mukherjee, Syamakanta Krsna Das, Anandananda Das, Prakash Gupta, Arunanayana Nimai Das, Subhananda GauraSevak Das,