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Question: I have this question about when we want to do preaching, the question is when is the time to start thinking big? As soon as we start chanting 16 rounds is that the expectation that we start thinking big or when is the right time? How to think big? How to implement those ideas which are in your mind and expand them so that it has a bigger impact?

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Jayapataka Swami: We try to carry out the vision of Srila Prabhupada. He always thought big so naturally his vision is big! At the same time, we need his mercy to be able to implement his vision. So that is why chanting and reading and serving, gives us the glorification, gives us the mercy to carry out Srila Prabhupada’s instructions. We are trying to fulfill the vision of the previous acaryas to whatever extent we are able to do so, we should try and if we have their mercy, then it is possible. The previous acaryas wanted to put Mayapur on the map. They wanted to make one Adbhut Mandir. Lord Nityananda said: “Ek Adhbut Mandir hoibe prakash, Gauranga Nitya seva hoibe vikas.”. There will be a wonderful temple here which will explain the message of Lord Caitanya. So, Srila Prabhupada said that every acarya in the line tried to do something to develop Mayapur. So, I am also trying to develop Mayapur. I am very grateful to all the devotees who are helping me and then he started crying and couldn’t go on! So, many devotees in North America, they have contributed to the TOVP and we appreciate that. In some way they are all taking part, still we need more help. Many people have pledged and not fulfilled their pledges fully. On December 3, Facebook is matching up to 20,000 dollars of each donor and up to a 100,000 dollars for each Non-Profit Organization, that has a Facebook page. Like on Mother’s day they give away but in the first ten seconds, all money is gone! So we have to give in the first two seconds and then this will be matched. This Sudha Haridas, last year they had a project in Michigan got 43,000 dollars matched. Anyway, you can do big things, just try for it. We try…. So this year, he tells us to try also for the TOVP. Those of my disciples who are aspiring disciples or siksa disciples, what they give, if they identify themselves as somehow connected to me, then 50% goes to the West wing, this is the Exhibitions, that I am in charge of, I am Chairman of the committee. There are many illustrious members of the committee, I am just one of them. But Ambarisa prabhu is very kind that he says that any donation, not just spiritual, any donation, that my disciples give or myself gives 50% of that to the West Wing. So please give to the TOVP and if you are my disciples, siksa, diksa, aspiring, please tell them, tell me, and we can follow up and make sure we get the 50%! Ha!