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Question: You have said previously that when the disciples are not following the regulative principles, they are the killer of one’s guru and guru gets the karma. I have also heard that if the disciple breaks the principles, they are not considered disciple and guru does not get karma?

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Jayapataka Swami: Show, what sastra it says that? I did not hear anything. At the time of initiation, the guru accepts the disciple and there is a heart to heart connection and relationship. So if the disciple breaks the principles, he is known as guru drohi. Srila Prabhupada has said that. I don’t know where you heard that by breaking the principles, he is no longer a disciple and the guru is not responsible. If the disciples gives up the guru or takes reinitiation, then the karma is transferred to the new guru. Otherwise, the guru is still responsible. Haribol!